Well, I guess I’ll throw some stuff up here. The rabbit hole that is Zbrush looks infinite. I must say at first Zbrush seemed to have come from bizzaro world, but now that I’ve dipped my toe in it I’m completely enamored. I hope to be able to have enough time to continue using Zbrush in my limited free time as for the next 3 months I’ll be focusing on animation.
For the frog I didn’t use any masking, or hardly any tools really, as wrapping my head around the Zbrush interface was difficult enough, so I only ended up using three or four brushes with zdd and zsub. Started from zspheres.
For the torso, I wanted to experiment with materials and saw someone’s work on the forum that had a great looking jade material. I’m content with this for the first time, although I would like it to be a little more natural looking e.g. black splotches and imperfections, sss etc. etc.
For the rhino it was a school project to just build in Maya. It turned out ok so I thought I would continue on with it in Zbrush and experiment with poly-painting. After seeing someone’s speed sculpt and figured out what he was clicking on so often, I was like OMG! this program just gets more awesome. It was cavity masking. So, I had a go at that. Unfortunately my rhino didn’t have enough alpha’s applied for skin texture before I started poly-painting, so I added more alpha’s and then more cavity masking and poly-painting. Oops, now I have rather muddy looking colors and the skin lacks a certain crispness to it. I guess I could have gone back to an earlier saved version but I marched on and just chalked it up to a learning experience. It ain’t perfect (is anything ever?) but I’m calling it done.
Happy to receive c/c, laughs etc.
Now if I only could render like Michalis…