
Digital paperweights

Well, I guess I’ll throw some stuff up here. The rabbit hole that is Zbrush looks infinite. I must say at first Zbrush seemed to have come from bizzaro world, but now that I’ve dipped my toe in it I’m completely enamored. I hope to be able to have enough time to continue using Zbrush in my limited free time as for the next 3 months I’ll be focusing on animation.

For the frog I didn’t use any masking, or hardly any tools really, as wrapping my head around the Zbrush interface was difficult enough, so I only ended up using three or four brushes with zdd and zsub. Started from zspheres.

For the torso, I wanted to experiment with materials and saw someone’s work on the forum that had a great looking jade material. I’m content with this for the first time, although I would like it to be a little more natural looking e.g. black splotches and imperfections, sss etc. etc.

For the rhino it was a school project to just build in Maya. It turned out ok so I thought I would continue on with it in Zbrush and experiment with poly-painting. After seeing someone’s speed sculpt and figured out what he was clicking on so often, I was like OMG! this program just gets more awesome. It was cavity masking. So, I had a go at that. Unfortunately my rhino didn’t have enough alpha’s applied for skin texture before I started poly-painting, so I added more alpha’s and then more cavity masking and poly-painting. Oops, now I have rather muddy looking colors and the skin lacks a certain crispness to it. I guess I could have gone back to an earlier saved version but I marched on and just chalked it up to a learning experience. It ain’t perfect (is anything ever?) but I’m calling it done.

Happy to receive c/c, laughs etc.

Now if I only could render like Michalis…



Marvin is my second favorite Warner Bros. character. Foghorn Leghorn takes the top spot, but I thought Marvin would be more fun to scuplt. Maybe I’ll do Foghorn and one or both of his nemesis’s in the future.MarvinBPR2.jpg

Foghorn in 3D.
Foghorn Leghorn Perspective on.jpg

I also found a Looney Tunes logo, posterized his render and dropped him into Photoshop. Sometimes the simple ones are most rewarding.

Foghorn Leghorn WB Logo Published.jpg

These are good, i especially like the last two.

For Foghon’s nemesis, you should do the dog first (forgot his name, if he had one), and then Henry Hawk.

As for Marvin, if you plan to do his enemies, that’ll be a tossup between Bugs and Daffy (as Duck Dodgers), though Daffy might be easier to do than Bugs, and don’t forget the Instant Martians!

Thanks, AnthonyA85. Ya, I thought about doing both characters enemies too, as well as, the instant Martians. Make a little diorama, or something. Maybe I’ll come back and do those
at a later date, as I have a couple other ideas rolling around in my noggin’ I want to sculpt.

A bolt action hand gun with two triggers?! Pure awesomeness. When searching for reference I was surprised at how many small variations there are out there considering that the design was
made known around 2006’ish if I remember correctly. Seems like there is a small cottage industry out there for this gun.
Please note I added Syd Mead’s original concept design to one of the photo’s. I’m NOT taking credit for that. Syd is too awesome. But for those who don’t remember what it looked like,
well, there it is.
Onto throwing some materials on it now.


I wasn’t able to get that slight translucent effect on the handle I wanted. I had all the settings for transparency setup but…maybe because there is nothing within or behind the handle for
there to be a transparency to happen it then doesn’t? Will have to play around with that some more. If anyone knows a possible reason as to why the transparency wouldn’t work I’m all ears.


Here is the requisite female body we all must get out of our system and sculpt. This was inspired by a photo from Andre Brito I found on deviantart.com. The pedestal material is
jk_stone-marble. The sculpture material is Wedclay. Does this classify as ‘mature content?’ I’ve seen some that should’ve been but weren’t tagged as such so…




Original character drawing by Will Terrell. Been a long time follower of his work and finally just decided to do one of his drawings as a sculpt. He has so much good stuff.
