
Demon head WIP

Hi All,

First time posting an image on this forum. I rarely get to play in Zbrush, and am never asked to produce organic models (sadly), so I am actually pretty happy with this head. Started from a basic sphere. Took about an hour.

I need to work on the little glitches under the nose, and also need to work on the eyes (eye lids, etc). Not really sure what to do on the eyes. This isn’t my specialty, so but it’s been fun playing around.

Crits welcome! demon2.jpg

Fun expression and I have no crits considering the time you spend on it. Solid result for that.

Beautiful! I love everything about it.
I see intelligence and confidence behind that expression.
And he’s not that impressed by what he sees in front of him . . .
. . . perhaps something trying to challenge him.

thanks guys. appreciate the feedback. funny, not being someone who generally does characters or faces, it’s interesting how much you both noticed the expression. i didn’t really think much about the expression when creating this. then i showed my office mate, and he didn’t like how symmetrical it was. disabling symmetry ****ing an eyebrow etc really help bring the expression to life!
