
Deckard, Blade Runner

Deckard, Blade Runner

If at first you don’t succeed etc etc…
I thought my last go at this model and face turned out pretty horrible to be honest, so I decided to remake a bunch of stuff and see if I couldn’t make the model and my self more justice. Think this turned out much better!
Again, this was from Kris Costas course ( https://www.flyonthewall.studio ). Done with only hand sculpted details in Zbrush.
Thanks for watching!


Excellent “replica” of Deckard :ok_hand: well done @bjornarvidsson

Thanks Jaime!

Ill post some Zbrush grabs aswell! This was done following Kris Costas course so a lot of HD sculpting :slight_smile: @Jaime

1 Like

Wow! Amazing job! This class must be pretty good!

Great work!


Nice work!

Awesome! I love blade runer. Congrats! :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: