
Croc dude WIP

Just sculpted this guy out in Zbrush today.

I don’t know if I would call him good, but I’m definitely noting some good progress from my previous Zbrush fiddle, so I’m happy.
Would really appreciate some naysayers saying nay here. And of course some motivation behind said nay. (i.e. crit me plz) :stuck_out_tongue:

And also, if there are any of those Zbrush madmen out there, please, if i may ask, how do you make sharp teeth like these look good? Mine look terrible.

sorry about the upload fail guys, I’m new here :o

just textured him.


if it sucks, please tell me why, I really need to learn these things. :slight_smile:

thank you. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey guys, I altered the material to be slightly more specular, and also worked on the texture a bit in Photoshop. But after this I think it’s time to move on and try turn him into a full bodied character instead of just a head.

P.s. sorry the brush indicator is in the way of the picture on the right. wasn’t concentrating.

hmm. can’t say that I’m content with this chest piece at all. some ok-ish ideas that i may want to emulate in the final product, but I think I need to really put some heavy research and practice time into sculpting hard surfaces before I try this again. Difficult stuff.

I am by far no pro, also just started and working out tipps and tricks from tutorials, but since nobody of the “Pro’s” wrote, i thought i give the little input I have:

Overall: I’d say a good start, though you know yourself that you have to try and make more things til it reaches perfection.
What i immediatly noticed:
I’d suggest to make the eyes separate subtools. That way you can work around the area of them without disturbing the eyes themself.
It also allows to make them look more dynamic and give them different materials than the rest of the model.
Also when you work details into the model (like the scales) you should try to turn off symmetry. Sure it takes more time, but you can control better how it looks and realisticly speaking nothing organic is truly symmetric.

regarding the teeth: I found your thread through google because i was looking for some ideas on how to best make sharp teeth, but my advice is the same as with the eyes: Make them separate from the model in a subtool.
That way you can move them around, modify them better and give them another material. When you do that you also have it easier to shape the inside of the jaw.

Hope that helps and if someone with more knowledge tells you that i talk BS, then please ignore my post :slight_smile:

Ah thank you for the advisory words and I appreciate your input! :slight_smile:

Please if you start a sketchbook here on zbc, or begin your own thread of some sort, leave me a link on my sketchbook thread (link in signature below) so I can return the favour :smiley:

You’re welcome.
I want to get some models done before i do that, if you want to see what i did up til now, you can check either my dA account http://statistx.deviantart.com/gallery/38147215
(screenshots of the 5 models with links to my youtube with turntables for 4 of them) or youtube directly. http://www.youtube.com/user/MrStatistx/videos

If you know the game Binding of Isaac you will recognize them.
The first two are pretty simple and basic (Blue Baby and Isaac), the 3rd one (Monstro 2) more complex to learn some tricks, the 4th (pestilence) is another step up and
the 5th (pestilence adult version) is my most complex and only one that i didn’t just “remade” from an existing 2D character.

edit: Oh damn, just realized that i bumped a very old thread ^^
As said, i was looking on google for some tutorials on teeth, stumbled onto this thread and since i also check the forum from time to time, i didn’t think to look up the date. Just saw on your deviant link that you allready made more progress :slight_smile: