
Concept WIP alien


I just started to use Z3 and I’m having lots of fun. But now I’m starting to get frustrated. So I need some help with that technical stuff.

I have ahead which I want to give 2 kinds of material. The face: organic, and the back of the head; Ivory.
I tried to give the Ivory part a red mat just to test if I can remove the red color from the mat. And keep the other info. ???
And lateron I want to paint over that mat without losing material?

Next think. i have the feeling that my lights are not responding with my red mat??? Is that just a bad feeling?

I want to render in Z but with a amazing quality…how to do it?

And if I have a base mesh, without UV, is it possible to create a uv in Z, export mesch and render in an other prog.?

I hope someone can help me.




Hey try grabbing one of these mats from here : http://www.zbrushcentral.com/zbc/showthread.php?t=056692

I think number 4 or 5 would be good for what you want. Once you download it place it into the C:\Program Files\Pixologic\ZBrush3\ZData\Materials folder.

If you restart zbrush it should be in your materials matcap list. Add it to your model and there you have it. Ivory :smiley:

If you are planning to use 2 mats in the one mash, you need to make the area where the two mats meet more sperate looking. Like a pinch or fold in the mesh to hide the material seam is good.

Keep going anyway. Try experimenting with different materials to try and find which one works best for you colour wise. Try making your own or editing an existing one or downlod one from these forums :slight_smile:

thanks a lot, btw do you know any good eye material?

And do you know something about good rendering in Z?

Wim, you should probably read and study these http://www.zbrushcentral.com/zbc/zb_quicklinks.php?q=-1 but I’m going to give it a go on showing you anyhow.

Try experimenting with a primitive. Ball, cube, whatever, and clicking off and on the different buttons. There is an RGB, M, and MRGB. with RGB turned on, you will be able to paint on the model with color. with M on, you can paint the material onto the object. MRGB is a combination of both. Also make sure ADD or SUB is off, or you’ll be deforming the mesh while painting. Unless you want that. lol.

You can also completely fill the “visible” parts of the mesh by going to the Color menu and clicking “fill object”. Once again, that can be done with the color that you have active in your color palette or the active material in your materials palette. Check which mode you are in: M, RGB, or MRGB. If goof and you want the material to go back to default, go to the flat material and fill it with that. Now if you change materials it will follow once again. Also should mention you can hide other objects (this is if they’re merged) like eyballs, teeth etc,. when you want different materials for different parts. To hide them use Ctrl+Shift+LeftMouseButton. They will need to be made as seperate groups to do this.

Do a search here at ZBC for eyeball materials. There are some great ones, even the non-matcap ones are awesome. For the iris, use the jellybean mat that comes with zbrush or you can make your own similarly. I typically use a combination of matcaps and standard materials and it’s more than sufficient.

Matcaps’ lighting do not change with zbrush lighting system… for matcaps you’re only using the zbrush light(s) to project shadow in your final render. Matcaps emulate lighting within the material itself. It’s typically a picture (sometimes two) of a sphere applied in some purely “magical zbrush way” to the model. :wink: When using different materials for each object, it might also be a good idea to check and see if the materials (if they’re matcaps) have the same direction(s) of lighting. Otherwise it may look a little strange. When rendering with matcaps you’re going to want to open your “lights” menu and see which direction it is pointing toward on that material. You may have to move the light cursor once to update it showing the current material. Once you’ve done that, place the provided cursor over where it looks like the light is coming. Now you need to set up your shadows. The last submenu in your light menu (can’t remember now what it’s called) gives you options for your shadows. Raise the “rays” count and lower the “aperature”. Once again, experiment to get the results you want/need. render with “Best Render” and with shadows clicked on in your render menu. I’m somewhat of a noob too, but I’m getting to know my way around this program pretty well. Hope it helped. PS: Read that other link I put at the top. There’s alot of good info there.



I added some more details, I hope you like it. If not, please give you’re opinion. I’m still a noob but I want to grow, so every comment is much appriciated.


I like it. The horns are too bright and distracting, but otherwise it looks good.

Hello peeps,

I finally took the time to bring my creation to the post production. I want to create a underwaterfeeling by night. Comments an tips are welkom.




I like the second one. The effect seems more convincing. I bet if you either played with contrast or did some more highlighting, could be even more so. Nice job. :+1:

nice! I really like it, would like to see a higher rez version of the second post, would make a cool wallpaper :slight_smile:

Hey people this is my new character. I’m working now on the arm.
what has to be done more; the head, legs, hands and feet.

[attach=89030]carnavale wip.jpg[/attach]


carnavale wip.jpg

I like him! He has this backwards slouch thing going on. Kinda interesting. Nice work so far. :+1:

Thx, Here are the arms and hands.





Maybe interesting to see.
I want to creat an character, which lives in a dark and crazy circus. He is an attraction. He’s not human neighter monster. And freaks belong in a circus.




Some more details.

my blog: www.virb.com/wimhouben





love proportions and stile on the last one, Kepp it up!!!

Polypainting. I’m working on a older pc and has not that much memory to go higher in res.




little update




Hi, new test, comments please.
I still have to do the fine detail for the blood color and some other stuff, but now you have the idea where I want to go at.

