Sorry for everyone who downloaded and tried to use the first action I had up here. I found an error in the text and one spot in the settings that needed tweaking. I welcome feedback from anyone who gets it to work or has a problem using it.
If you’ve ever wanted to combine a noisy bump based on the texture you painted with a smooth round bump that you generated from Zbrush, this is the sollution for you.
I finally figured out how to do this and I put it in an action. This will seriously speed up some of your texturing work. I’m sure I’m not the first to do this, but I’ve been looking for a while and never found anything this easy to use.
The picture below explains why this is useful. The example is of a sandbag. I sculpted the wrinkles and stitches in Zbrush. I painted the texture in Zbrush. I generated the smooth Normal Map. Then I used xNormal to generate a noise Normal Map to match the color map. (You can use the Nvidia filter in Photoshop also) Then I used my photoshop action to combine the two bumps.
Here is the link to my action. This is a new link
The action has a message with instructions. Dowload and use it for free. Just remember who you got it from.