
Clint Eastwood - WIP

I’ve been noodling away at this sculpt for the past month or so. Whenever I have free time (which is rarely) I work on it. This sculpture is a representation of Clint Eastwood’s character in The Good, Bad, and the Ugly. I started this thread hoping it will motivate me to finish this sculpt.

The poncho, holster, and belts still require a ton of work. Also, he needs boots, which are next on my list. Hope you like it so far. Crits are most welcome.







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Hi there, I’m currently doing a portrait of another celebrity as well. I was always told - a lot of reference before even starting, and now I know what it means, that is to say I’ve redescovered the meaning of it cause I had nude and portrait drawing and sculpting training for 8 years, but just as of recently started doing it in cg. So, the way I see it is as follows: firstly, a lot of reference doesn’t mean that it has to pass a lot of time before I’m prepared and ready to sculpt, it just means that I capture the essence (the way in which he or she hits me in a certain way, and only me) of the character, like for example drawing a quick caricature in my mind., and then I’m ready. Now I get a lot of references, like movies and photos from all the different angles so I can get the better feel of the proportions, but use them only very remotely, and never model over them, but rather observe them from time to time wile modeling. Use your pen or thumb for proportions. This screengrab of Clint doesn’t look like him, but if you know what you’re going for, it can help making the contour on that angle. I’m writing this down, cause nobody got a celebrity down yet, and when I say nobody I don’t count Brad Pitt in Benjamin Button :laughing:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Cheers, and good luck

good start…
go on

Coming along nicely.

that’s a really good start, looks like him a lot, you need to finish out this model, i cant wait to see it finished :smiley:

Thanks for the comments everyone. Here’s an update.

I re-worked the holster and added the boots. I also worked on the poncho, hands, vest, and belt. I still have yet to add straps and spurs to the boots as well as finalize the hands, pants, belt, and poncho. It’s a slow work in progress, but it’s getting there.





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Still plugging away at it. Today I spent most of my time on the face and hair as well as the vest and pants.






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Hey SeveredSon, can’t believe you have no comments today. Oh well the ZBC guys must be busier than me :smiley:

I had a good stare at your model and I think it’s on it’s way.

A couple of things. The cloth material (on the clothing) doesn’t really decribe the materials. The folds need a bit more flattening to make them look less blobby. Also I would say he doesn’t look enough like clint at the moment but I am sure you will tweak this in time.

Generally the model and proportions are about right you just need to get the thickness of the clothing and weight of the material right :smiley:

scottleroc - I was thinking the same thing with the poncho. Looks like I will have to retop the mesh so that I can get some nice clean edges. I think from certain angles he looks just like Clint. I’ll have to tweak the proportions a bit more. Thanks for the feedback!

It looks very much like him, the face does, but the eyesockets might be too narrow, it’s almost like they overlap over his eyes. Awesome work though. :smiley:

sorry cant offer any constructive criticism here, you’re sculpting is too freaking awesome :smiley:

Very good! Clint Eastwood is the man.

very impressive! :smiley: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

I appreciate the positive feedback. Here another update. It’s getting closer to completion. I reworked his pose, poncho, vest, shirt, and pants. I still have to finish his gun belt. boots, and hands.




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very nice work