
cheetah wip

Try to bend your back as far back as the cheeta’s

bendy back

ouch my poor old bones ache just watching that video dogbone!

I agree with lemo…you almost got it…keep going!

bending back the cat. this begins to look like a running cheetahcheetah_07.jpg

Nice movie! Jus one crit, a head of a cheetah is not going up and down so much while he is running.

bas, you are right

I agree w Bas. However you need to be clear on the cadence you’re after, If she’s running full tilt, both head and tail tend to keep real still and on the same plane while the body bows within. I think these are the details that make an animal like this seem so incredible to watch. Really nice work.

:+1: looks better now! keep going :+1:

following mr. bpmufx´s advice

ooops, sorry, zip file…:stuck_out_tongue:

Just keeps gettin better :+1:

wow man, nice work, she’s haulin!

AbraXas, this is getting pretty good. I noticed a few things if I might add them. The tail, especially the tip must be alive, it is not only the counterbalance of a cheetah, it is the rudder and is constantly in motion.

The latest animation improves the transition of power from rear to front, but, the front of the cheetah is lower to the ground and for directional control, especially the legs. The rear is where almost all the power comes from in extremely explosive bursts. All pivoting around the mide section of the body between hips and chest.

Everything moves in these animals, and I think you are possibly having trouble from the fact you are setting your animation up in a straight line. Cheetahs don’t drag race. :wink: Front and fore limbs almsot act independantly, guided and balanced by the tail, following the head which follows the prey.

Your current animation is rather rigid, and betetr exemplifies the structure of a horse or dog.

This is all meant as constructive to help improve, and in no way implys your work thus far isn’t worth the effort. You can also toss it all this out, it’s your animation. :wink:

…but your beast run without bounce jump!!!
It’s not a horse :smiley:
Bon courage!

Jason, i´ve been usin this photo sequence of a running greyhound as my only visual reference, perhaps that explains about stiffness and straight running. if i´m getting improvement it´s due to all the good advices i,ve been receiving, like this one of yours. thx for ur time. i´ll try to give this kitty the hunter look he deserves.

Frenchy mon ami, sorry but i don´t know what u refer whit the bounce jump, can u explain a little bit? :stuck_out_tongue:



Funny, but good cheetah motion:


I think this is clear on what Frenchy Pilou and I have mentioned.

thank uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu alot