
cheetah wip

don´t know, maybe i´ll go back to the sheepcheetah…cheetah_03.jpg



Ahí si vas bien encaminado… casi perfecto. A lo mejor podrías usar el material del guepardoveja en los pelillos esos del lomo y el pecho, que se ven como engominaos.

El resto, impecable.

fergus, he probado a aplicar parcialmente el material para fibras en el PM, pero no lo consigo, parece que o lo aplicas completamente al modelo, o no se quiere combinar. gracias por tu amable comentario.

Hello! Good modelling! Can you explain, how do you do such smoothiness in modelling - it’s perfect! Do you use only smooth brush or not?


1- standard/inflat
2- pinch
3- smooth

all this with lots of vertex moving, to get a good shape instead of using nudge or add. it´s just a matter of trial and error, tryin low and high values in your transform tools, till you get the results you want.

Looks great Abraxas :slight_smile: Nice use of Zspheres! :+1:

thx m8


Va quedando, ¿eh? Estoy con Fergus en lo de los pelos. Deberían ser más finos, cortos y unidos. Yo hago unos cuantos con ZSpheres y los voy sumando con MM, claro que eso lo hago antes de texturizar.

lo tendre en cuenta para el proximo bicho.

Much better than the sheepcheetah :laughing: Nice work :+1:

4 images of the cat run loop animation, and 1 clip cheetah_05.jpg with a side view

Cool Cat! The animation is looking a tad stiff. Considering full speed the cat would throw it’s hind paws almost in front of the shoulder while the front paws are almost touching the tail root. The back is bend like a bow, the whole animal is throwing everything into that motion. The back works like a bow and the extremities follow through the entire range of motion. Those are FAST 8-). AND they LIKE IT!

This copy I found on the web is going into the direction I try to point out:
Your model can do that!

Vaya, parece que está vivo. :+1: :+1: :+1:

Lem, thx for ur advice. Let´s go for it.

Sí, Saltapiedras, ahora tiene que entrenar bastante…:stuck_out_tongue:


Very fine work and I love the animation…That cheetah is hauling @ss at rocket speed…:+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

[email protected]

Que bueno, va teniendo muy buena pinta :+1:

ty ppl, i´ve done some fixingcheetah_06.jpg

That look much better! You’re getting there. If you take a close look at it, you can see that his back is curving in as if it would break soon. If you can, try and see if you can get it just the oposite way. You will instantly see the difference. Try to bend your back as far back as the cheeta’s (under medical supervision please) and you also see what I am refering to ;-).