
Character WIP: Frogman

Hey all, this is probably my first work related post I have made and I want to share with you a model that I am currently detailing. This model is my re-imagining of a character from the game Eternal Champions and I wanted to create my vision of how he would look if he were 3d. He will be a next gen style game character, baked into normal maps and rendered in the CryENGINE2 (I will attempt this), the base mesh has already been designed and placed into the scene…

Some of my progress on the body so far has been massaging the forms to create muscles on his body. I have the pelvis hidden so I can focus on the skin areas of the character.

This is my first time actually sculpting in Zbrush extensively, and so far my experience has been LOVELY. So without further ado, I present, Trident.
  P.S.: If you don't know what the game Eternal Champions is, feel free to look on YouTube for a query.
  Enjoy and Stay Tuned...C&C welcome. I do have concept art that I made which I can show if you like













Hey, some more details on the arm area…still have no idea what the hell I am doing anatomy wise, but I would love some feedback and advice…thanks




SOme more progress, still trying to fix the character’s anatomy before I move on to the face and tights…

C&C is welcome


You say you don’t know what you’re doing anatomy-wise, but you are along the right track.

The face is looking good, stuff is generally in the right place but his chest needs more volume in relation to those big shoulders, arms and legs.

ALWAYS use reference material, there’s decent stuff out there - www.3d.sk, as well as a nude anatomy forum on www.conceptart.org, plus look at bodybuilding websites. Get as many angles as possible and keep checking the proportions as you go along. When establishing the main forms, don’t be afraid to push it and exaggerate stuff: it’s better to go overboard and then scale back than to pussyfoot around making insignificant changes.

Establish the main proportions before you go into detail, then you won’t have to redo lots of work when you find the proportions are wrong- which WILL happen, over and over again. Even the pros make mistakes so don’t expect to get it right the first (or second, or third, or even hundredth) time.

Using reference isn’t cheating! The fact is your work will just look better and you will learn so much! Copy, copy, copy and dont stop copying - no matter what you may think, there is no original work out there, just variations and rehashes of the same material with a few evolutionary tweaks along the way. And if you are going to copy, then what better way than to learn from nature? Nature NEVER gets design “wrong”. Also study classical sculpture and drawings by Leonardo, Michelangelo, and other old masters.

Another thing is to draw constantly. When you aren’t at your computer, train your eye and develop observational ability by drawing people and animals whenever possible. You are using the same part of your brain as when you sculpt, so it will make a BIG difference.

Keep up the good work!

@ petekasim: Hey dude, thanks for the encouragement. I have spent a bit of time today drawing just to get away from sculpting, and I think you are right about the chest lacking some volume…I am carefully working from low SudD levels first but I will definitely beef up his chest…still working on the arm muscles…Stay Tuned…

Kashif R.

Hey everyone, some updates on the Frogman before I go back and do some drawing…I beefed up the pecs a bit (thank god for Dynamic SubD levels :+1: ) and moved the deltoids up slightly to make it shorter. I also added some obliques (they probably don’t look right), but i hope someone will tell me how to correct.

More to come




Here are some small updates to the model…i just added some scarring and refined some of the facial detail… next step is to add some scales all over and wrinkles…I also changed the physique a little to make him a bit slender… stay tuned… more to come




Just a showing of the model before I start detailing the body mesh…I still need to add some details to the helm but I can’t think of anything since my references were from Greek armour.
C&C Welcome

Stay tuned




Good evening all… some more progress on the frogman…started on the skin details… I am about to start polypainting and creating all of the textures…

Stay tuned





Keep the Good Job! :smiley:

I will…stay tuned, the texturing pass will come in the morning… it is almost 2 oclock…and this artist needs to sleep… I may have to make the scales a bit bigger since they may not appear in the normal map fully…

Some progress for this evening…still need to do some work on the gauntlets since they are going to reflect the environment in some way…more to come






@ SmoovArt: Thanks dude, more to come…i am about to work on the gauntlets…

Well, you got me excited. I just purchased my first copy of Zbrush. So, I’m a newbie. I plan on spending a lot of time here. This is a amazing tool and so is some of the work I’ve seen here. I may ask a stupid question from time to time. Please be patient with me:lol:

Wow, I am glad I inspired you… have fun with Zbrush

Hey all, here are some renders of Trident…with the background changed…and some screen caps from Xnormal and I must say, even the quality of the viewer blew me away… I am still tweaking the textures on the character…not sure if i want to really add reflection textures on the character since i want to see him in a realtime renderer…but we’ll see what happens. Enjoy the shots…

EDIT: The top three renders are from Mental Ray…the bottom three are Xnormal Realtime









You’ve had some good progress over the course of this thread. I can see your anatomy has improved just from your first post to your latest.

I think if you’re already onto texturing, you should look into giving his skin tone a bit more of a diverse look. Paint in white/brighter colour into the undersides, under his arms around his chest…You can do a lot with the colour design to help punch out the texture more, while still keeping it green overall.

I am thinking of doing that now…before the chest was a bit too dark in the mental ray renders…I will definitely add some colour brightness on some parts of his skin

Stay tuned