
[character]Gouki-thanks for zbru

Guess you guys know a bit about GOUKI, don’t you. For the power, he killed who he loved, then turn into madness. I guess we all make foolish choicse for what is not worth for, once or twice in our lifetime. This is the last photo before GOUKI turns mad. hope you like it









body ~~hope you like



That looks like a evil Goku (From DrangonBall Z). I loved that show.

I love how the cloth looks, there are only two things that don’t seem right.

  1. The creases on his pants are two hard, they don’t look natural.

  2. His ears don’t seem to be shaped right.

looks pretty sweet my only concerns r the muscles you’ve put in the neck (unless its ment to be exaggerated) and the way the creases above the eyebrows sit and how many of them there actually are.

besides that awesome body, and on another note its still missing something to make it recognisable as Gouki aka Akuma, and i should know i love that character :stuck_out_tongue:

thank u guys:)
Iwill change that ~:)thank u again ~:)

looks old for me, nice job.

it looks like you did a great job with this… the only thing I really dont like is the eyes… otherwise the anatomy, clothing, hair, materials, etc all look very anime and portray the character well… I especially like the cloth texture and the way it spikes out… and the hair… very anime but with a 3d sophistication