
Chaos Space Marine WIP

Here is the first post of the Warhammer Chaos Space Marine. It’s still very much a work in progress, but I like where he is headed. Still gotta do his
arm and hand armor and weapon. Not sure exactly where I’m going with this, but we’ll see. It should be a fun ride…:smiley:

121 welcome




So clean, i like it.

Amazing! It´s a wonderfull character!:+1:

Love it, you’ve really captured the “chaos” dude, he looks crazy as f…:+1:

great work!! I like the armour :sunglasses: :+1:

dickie, i really like the way this is going. that render looks amazing! i think you should definitely try and go for the whole body!
it gets 5 stars from me. :+1: :+1:

I’d say if you’re working a regular marine you’re doing great. If you working on a Lt. or a lord type marine you need to get more gothic with the details.

Now where’s that bolter?

Death to the false Emporer!

Here’s an update. I added more wrinkles to the head and made the brows a little more in the realm of the normal. Going nuts with projection master because when I paint a material on the head, it sometimes takes it and most of the time it doesn’t. Then the material appears randomly on the head and I gotta chase it down and re-paint the material. Drop it again and the bad material appears again…SOOO frustrating. Anyway, enough complainin’. I used Rimasson’s wonderful lights from his blackman character.I got rid of the green fill and changed it to a warm yellowish one. It kept turning my gold to brass…:smiley: I’ll probably be doing an updat on the armor tomorrow. I’m beat tonight. Too many damn hours spent chasing Z-Bugs…

Tortilla1: Thanks!

IllusionDigital: Yeah, he’s too clean. I’ll be working on that. Glad you like it though…

Mecman: Thank you. I like to make my own characters when I do games workshop type stuff. My orc is my own design character-wise too.

Buckie: Thanks…I like how nuts he feel too…it’s a challenge to make a character that’s completely berserk…he’s getting there…

Drummer: Cool…The real warhammer armor is a lot cooler than this. I’ll be trying some of that soon. i.e. carving more subtle details into the blank spaces around the design…

Dado: Thanks for the Stars, Kiddo…:smiley: I’m happy you and Drummer are digging him. I’m definately going to do a whole suit, it’ll just take me a while.

BillRobertson42: I’m going for a regular grunt for now, though if I start getting better on the armor, he’ll be promoted to Lt…:lol: Oh, and the bolter is coming. I’ll probably build that in Lightwave, as Z-Brush can be a pain for hard surface technical stuff…at least for me…:smiley:



hey Dickie,

do you have an example of the material doing one thing then another?

are you going to texture over the material on the head? if so my question is are you trying to get that materials attributes to be underlying the texture or a blend of both. Anything you can offer in the way of what you are looking to accomplish would help alot in figuring a way to help you. by perhaps offering an alternative solution etc.

I’m liking the extra wrinkles/details…definitely like the lighting better…well on the head anyway…but it’s easier to fix the colors/mats vs light setup i think on the armor than the head. I prefer if there is human element to light for that and work all else into that light set up…but that’s me and of course I don’t have a whole lot posted up that I can legally post and not be sued for hahaa like I have anything to sue for…to show you what I mean. But would endeavor such a thing if you still have troubles experimenting. Let me know.

Here ya go, Aminuts. As you can see, there are errant materials cropping up on the model. I paint them out, but they come back when I pick the model back up outta projection master.


As for the lighting, I definately light for the face first. I’m still working on the look for the armor.


ok…am assuming that you are using auv or guv tiles? so its not a uv problem.

narrowing things down…what mats did ya use? ones ya made or included?

I wanna experiment for a sec if they are included in z…before i offer any suggestions…so I can be sure you don’t run into same thing.

oops forgot to ask…texture overlaid? if so…what is the base material you are using…not the ones in pm…and what do you have the blend set at?


I figured out how to fix it. Instead of painting the materials in Projection Master, just paint them in the main window. Kinda goofy that they don’t work in Projection Master, but at least I found a soulution. We’ll see if it pops up again. I had the same problem with my orc. Now I can fix him too…:smiley:

Oh, and I am using all custom materials.


cool Dickie!! Glad ya found your solution and can fix Orc!!:smiley:

I hope you are using Sven’s awesome Zmats plugin so when ya fill up bank a…you can zip up those awesome mats and send em around:rolleyes: .

May your next zsession be a bit less frustrating!:smiley:

Haven’t tried Z-Mats yet. I have enough trouble with Z-Brush behaving the way it should…:lol: I’m d-loading it now…



awesome work:+1:
but 1 question: r u gonna animate him? or just a portrait?
if u gonna animate, i dont think can move his shoulder.
i really like the armor tho but some technical thought that he might not move his arms:roll_eyes:

xsiFlasher: He’s just going to be an illustration for now. The shoulder pads are too big in the image right now. I’m still playing around with proportions. I just made them bigger because they look cool…:lol:

big shoulder pad looks awesome indeed:D

sweet work, can we see your texture map and how its painted. :+1:
