Here’s an update. I added more wrinkles to the head and made the brows a little more in the realm of the normal. Going nuts with projection master because when I paint a material on the head, it sometimes takes it and most of the time it doesn’t. Then the material appears randomly on the head and I gotta chase it down and re-paint the material. Drop it again and the bad material appears again…SOOO frustrating. Anyway, enough complainin’. I used Rimasson’s wonderful lights from his blackman character.I got rid of the green fill and changed it to a warm yellowish one. It kept turning my gold to brass…
I’ll probably be doing an updat on the armor tomorrow. I’m beat tonight. Too many damn hours spent chasing Z-Bugs…
Tortilla1: Thanks!
IllusionDigital: Yeah, he’s too clean. I’ll be working on that. Glad you like it though…
Mecman: Thank you. I like to make my own characters when I do games workshop type stuff. My orc is my own design character-wise too.
Buckie: Thanks…I like how nuts he feel too…it’s a challenge to make a character that’s completely berserk…he’s getting there…
Drummer: Cool…The real warhammer armor is a lot cooler than this. I’ll be trying some of that soon. i.e. carving more subtle details into the blank spaces around the design…
Dado: Thanks for the Stars, Kiddo…
I’m happy you and Drummer are digging him. I’m definately going to do a whole suit, it’ll just take me a while.
BillRobertson42: I’m going for a regular grunt for now, though if I start getting better on the armor, he’ll be promoted to Lt…:lol: Oh, and the bolter is coming. I’ll probably build that in Lightwave, as Z-Brush can be a pain for hard surface technical stuff…at least for me…