

I needed something to try some new KeyShot features on so I did a little scene with ZBrush and Marvelous.
Room and chair modeled in ZBrush, blanket done in Marvelous Designer and renders with KeyShot 2023.


How much time did you spend on this project? I recently started doing 3d modeling too and I’m just wondering how much time it will take me to create modern dining chairs in a blender or zbrush. Because now I’m still at the level where I’ve only been making one donut for a month. So I will be very grateful if you tell me where you studied, maybe you will advise some lessons on YouTube or articles on the Internet for beginners like me

Wow…Really cool chair

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@UmaFaruk Thank you :slight_smile:

@AKPAN_CHRISTOPHER I don’t know how much time I spent on this project. I would have to guesstimate, but even if I knew the actual time it took for me that wouldn’t be relevant for you. I am pretty sure the times we need would differ alot.
My advice would be to start making one and see how far you get with an hour and then guesstimate the remaining work.
Good luck with the modeling :slight_smile: