

Attention all CG industry workers, if you have not been already emailed by me about my final industry professional survey on ZBrush, then keep reading. My project team is at the last portion of our Research Project on ZBrush and we are asking industry professionals only to fill this survey out so we can gather the data needed from people in the cg industry. If you do not work in industry and would still like to fill out our survey by all means let me know. So if you work in the cg industry and can take 5 minutes out of your busy schedule to fill out this survey then please fill out the survey attachment in this post and email me back the new file at [email protected]

File formats preferred is a word document and you can bold your answers, and please answer the why portions of the questions these are the most important.
Thank you very very much to all of you who help! and if you already have sent me one then thank also!

[ZMERGEPOSTER2 copy.jpg](javascript:zb_insimg(‘44003’,‘ZMERGEPOSTER2 copy.jpg’,1,0))

I just sent you the filled out survey. Good luck on the project…:+1:
