Well, this is my 2nd zbrush exercise (WIP) after my first model - aliANT.
This time I use different layers and also make the gorilla into two parts- head and body. Just practice and learning different techniques in Zbrush and generally having fun. :lol:
another outfit for this gorilla - the ultimat panda fur :lol:
Need I say it? That last one is damn cute
glad you find it amuzing.
here is the one for the valentine’s day
Cool Gorilla
I have the demo of ZBrush ( getting the full version next week hopefully, funds willing ) and have been playing with the fur/fibre, and a couple of questions come to mind.
is it possible to control the placement and amount/thickness etc of fur using an alpha map? I believe Sasquatch and Shave and haircut can do this in other apps like Lightwave. I’d love to be able to paint it on as well! The fur in ZBrush is fun but a bit basic, ( it’s also free so I shouldn’t complain! ) I would love more control over it’s appearance and placing.
cheers, Jonathan
ps - when is 2.5 due to be released? Anyone know?