
Can't open .ZPR files anymore

I worked on a project for hours now. I save every hours my works in .ZPR, and zbrush launch an autosave every 10 mins. But since I closed zbrush, I can’t open my files in .ZPE anymore. The autosaves neither. Each file has a great weight, like 190mo etc… But when I launch it, zbrush launch a blank document with only the simplebrush selected, like that :

instead of launching my document. Anyone has an advice to correct that ? ( I tried on an older zbrush version, and on a different computer, I have no clues how to fix this )



You can’t launch ZBrush via one of its files. That has never been a feature.

What you need to do is launch ZBrush and then use the appropriate interface item to load the desired file. So a ZPR would be File >> Open or a ZTL would be Tool >> Load Tool.

This is the way that it has always worked.