
Can't fix thin line

I got weird thin line in my object and can’t get rid of it. Moving, inflating, smoothing, adding brush strokes doesn’t help. When using ZModeler to fix it, it cuts total polys by half (11 mil - ~5 mil). What should I do?


I’m not 100% sure what could be causing that issue, but could it be possible that you have some verities that are welded together. One of the newer iterations of the zmodeler brush added a weld tolerance setting for the brush, located in the preferences pallet, under geometry, there is a slider called zmodeler wielding tolerance, I have set to the lowest possible setting.


My other guess is you have some settings that changed on your brush settings, there is a button in the brush pallet called reset all brushes you could try to see if that gives you back some control over manipulating the geometry.

There is also a alternative smoothing algorithm in zbrush while holding down the shift key and making a stroke on your model take your finger off the shift key but keep pressure on your tablet it will switch to the alternative smoothing. Its useful when smoothing out poles or stars on your mesh were there is lots of pinching. It might be hard to get used to at first but it can be really useful.

Those are my best guesses I can think of off the top of my head.

Hey! Thanks for the answer
I tried the alternative smoothing, but it didn’t help. It’s really a strange thing, just some sticked vertices that I can’t fix. Guess I should dynamesh everything again and add detail, again…

If your topology isn’t to big of an issue, dyna meshing it should work or you could smooth it with sculptris pro. It is a strange issue, I think I have seen it before but not sure exactly how I worked around it.