
Big stupid ork

Hi everybody, this is my first post here.
It’s an ork based on a design by cory loftis : http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_6jCnBvPbyno/S9pyiq4uoLI/AAAAAAAAAPs/xltGbWU8zRU/s1600/orkz
the body was sculpt directly from zspheres, and the base mesh of the armor was done in max.

<iframe src=“http://player.vimeo.com/video/31436204?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0” width=“600” height=“480” frameborder=“0” webkitallowfullscreen="" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>

i’ll do some posings soon.
hope you like it.





hehe, he has taht stupid look for sure:cool:
Very cool!

I love this. Well done! :slight_smile: Looking forward to the poses.

Your interpretation of the design is great.

Good first post! Good character! :+1:

Thanks for your comments.
here is a little update. i add the bags and the coat of mail, and also start to desymetrize the face.

This guy’s proportions are awesome. Great clean sculpt and nice work taking this from 2d to 3d.

I’m really loving the way this character is coming out, anxious to see the final.

thank you.
Here is the knife and the first posing.
Now I have to add some details on the armor and the arrows on the shield.
Maybe I’ll do another posing tomorrow



I love this guy! Such a cool character design!! Well done sir! :wink:

Peace-NickZ. :slight_smile:

Man, great personality in this big fella. Also, I’ll never understand how you get such clean lines and form :stuck_out_tongue: great job. May I ask what matcap you’re using?

thank you everybody for your nice comments.
polaroid29> for the material it’s just the basicMaterial whith 2 lights.

i finished the modeling, i’ll add the details on the armor later with the textures.


and a video of the turnable :

Really lovely, nice character! :smiley:

Wow, this is looking amazing! :smiley: Love the character and great modelling!

!!! great sculpting! very nice forms and interpretation! looking great :smiley:
see you this week!!

Great work! I love the clean forms and details you have achieved!

Loving the style, great modeling.

Hey thanks to everyone for the nice comments, i really appreciate.
Now i hav do do the retopology and next i’ll do some animation whith this guy.
I’ll certainly do the blenshapes in zbrush.