
Beelzebeetle (my first zbrush scene)

I feel weak posting this among all the other great stuff but I decided to go ahead. This one is my first scene and my first finished model. I doodled with a couple of heads before this one. Oh, this is my first zspheres model. I did this about a week ago and was before I understood about shadow settings and such.

Anyway, feel free to offer criticism. The modeling is okay but the lighting and rendering just don’t seem real enough. I did a lot of photoshop work (lava and steam and some color corrections etc).

I tried to make him appear as though he’d been in some serious battle and well, it isn’t clear if he won. heheheh

Anyway, thanks for looking. I don’t have a larger pic and can’t really rerender cuz of all the PS additions but I am adding some gray views of the model. I have since improved the shape of the big horn ends and his feet. The gray pic is before I did all that and added the battle wear to him.

Oh, this is just a one-pass render. No multi-pass or layering for effects. I wish I knew how to do all of that but my understanding of it is partial right now. I know WHY they do it but I don’t know the best way to render the shadow pass, color pass, etc. I did d/l Meats’ ambient material but what to do with them??? Anyway…

I feel that I could do some cool stuff if I could nail that multi-pass stuff down so I have the best renders to merge in PS.





haha looks a little warm wherever he is…i like warm but somehow I think I wouldn’t wanna be there!!

Wow…you got the hard part out of the way…that first post! Pretty hard to hit that upload button eh? You did a pretty cool job for your first so take a deep breath, go have a cold one and start planning the next!:smiley:

oh yeah…a search on Dizzyboy should bring up a cool thread on render passes. He also posted some really great links in the thread i am thinking about…he might have posted it in the tutorials forum too but at the moment am not positive.

anyways…keep going…you’ll be a zedb master in no time!

Nice Character :slight_smile:

I really like the idea and design as well as the BG (Reminds me of Diablo series,
some of my all-time fav. games :P)

If I may offer a critique though, I think that the Character may be a bit too bright for the scene, as it seems like the BG is a deep dark cave ( Hell Maybe:P)
where your only key light source is the lava/flames. There would be a slight amount of reflected light on the topsight from the walls/ceiling and such but I think the shadows need to be darker.

Also I think there needs to be a really hard shadow on the ground as from my experience fire and other intense sources of heat make really Hard-lined shadows ( You may even have one:P It’s a little hard to tell from the dark rocky BG )

I’d say for future reference export the character on a separate layer either with an alpha channel or delete the “zbrush grey” BG and then place the character over your scene on a separate layer. The solution may be as simple as using Brightness/Contrast in Photoshop to darken your character :slight_smile:

Anyway that’s just my two cents, Thank you for your critique on my monkey as I need to go back and fix some things :slight_smile:

Great First Scene!

Thanks, aminuts and David!

I’ll definitely check the Dizzyboy link.

Yes, the lighting is not right but as I said, this one I did before understanding more about the lighting and shadows. So, I will keep the mesh and document on my PC just cuz but I will try another scene. I have one in mind but the angle is going to be tough. I want a lot of perspective shift (or whatever where the straight lines bend a tad) and not sure zbrush really has a camera effect like most 3D do to dolly the camera in close. I may just forego that effect and try to get the basic scene okay and be happy.

Anyway, thanks again for the nice words!


Hey Prof,
Thats a great first post for a z brush render. I havent tried yet. I am having a hard time tearing myself away from traditional renderers. Well done and keep it up. You will improve with time :+1:

Thanks, Tartan!
