
bat creature


hope you like it

have a nice day :slight_smile:





Holy cow! woow! just fantastic!!! man you’re a machine of pure talent!!! another amazing piece from you!, is like the third or the fourth in a week or so!, and all of them of authentic premium quality! that’s epic!!:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1: and more epic because is a zbrush render!! gosh that looks like if was renderized in the most powerful render engine and it’s in zbrush!! a million of stars!

Very well done. Very striking piece.

Wicked! :+1:

Really awesome man !

Would you show us the process you’ve gone through? It’s always fun to watch how you solved the problems you faced during the design!

This absolutely rocks!

god damn PSTCHOART, you are bloody brilliant, just browsed through the rest of your stuff.

do you have any tutorials on the web so that i can learn from the best?

Awesome work> I always enjoy seeing one of your pieces of work. Way to take a concept really bring it to life. The pose fits the piece perfect. I would really be very interested in seeing the Zbrush render before post production if that’s possible.

Again stunning work, very inspiring. thanks for sharing

Nice sculpt/Render
Totally insane!!!:grimacing:

Stop being so good;)

Epic dude! I really really like this piece. The detail is beautiful!

Great work! Nice composition btw.

That is AWESOME!

You’re crazy good man! I like your style. I’m interested in how much it takes you per model usually?

P.S. If possible please show us the untextured sculpts of the models you made for the Earthrise poster


is this purely ZBrush and Photoshop?
how’d you get those shadows, can I see your render layers please?
AWESOME stuff man!:+1:

Good! Great One.
Can you post the workflow/making of, like the zbrush sculpt only and so on…?
Keep up the good work.

so many top row quality posts recently… this belongs to one of them

right click > set new desktop picture!

top row! :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

Great work ! No crits from me 5*