
basic head model/ mouth open

I’m relatively new at zbrush - My last model has its mouth closed, so I decided to do one with the mouth open.

Am I doing this right in terms of modeling for something that’s going to be animated? Comments are more than welcome.

Here’s my small contribution: I’m posting the basemesh model. I hope someone will find a use for it as a basemesh. Feel free to use it for anything.

Image 2.jpg


Image 4.jpg

Image 1.jpg

cool start to a head,

thanks for sharing this will help others starting out I am sure!

Nice work, and thanks for sharing. As regards animating, I think you need to concentrate especially on the flow of your mesh. You’ve got good loops around the eyes and lips, but the sub-division on the forehead could cause you problems, and the edges around the nose and cheek don’t really follow the natural contours of the face. But, all in all, this is a splendid effort. Good luck!

Thank you for your comments. I can’t wait for the new 2.5 features of retopo. - I bet I could correct this mesh in no time. But now, how would I delete the subdiv from the forehead? :idea: I could only do that if I still had the zsphere attached, right? (by deleting the zsphere of the forehead)

As an experiment, why not throw 4 or 5 ZSpheres together, slip into Preview mode, move a few verts around, come out of Preview and delete one of the ZSpheres? As you’ll see, changing the number of spheres removes all your modelling, even from parts of the model nowhere near where the sphere you removed (or added) was.

Thanks to all the time everybody puts in tutorials on this forum…
After following the “eye challenge” thread,
And dl the wonderful “Marker Master”,
Plus a little tutorial on making teeth,

This is the summ of my week’s learnings:

Image 2.jpg

I admit the expression is horrible - horrified! I havent’t sculpted the face yet. Just placed the parts. THIS IS A MULTI MARKER project!!! I can still model the head individually! I’m blown away by Marker Master.

Now that the parts are in place, let’s sculpt this baby!..

A fine start … you’re learning fast. Now all you’ve got to do is keep going until you get to the end. :+1:

Good luck.

a little update Image 1.jpg