

B34R is a robot I started as a cartoony silhouette and I wanted to keep the simple and basic shapes.
I added more “realistic” détails to make him more believable. So at the end we can feel a sort of cute teddy bear but at the
same time you feel that it’s powerfull.


I love the proportions. Well done!

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Super cool concept - great sculpting and texturing :sunglasses::+1::star2::star2::star2::star2::star2:!

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I’m reading go ahead, make my day :thinking: He should be up for rental :grin: Very cool!

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@Thom_R thank you mate! :slight_smile:
@Geert_Etcher_Melis Glad you like it! thank you ! :slight_smile:
@Jaime ahah thank you very much Monsieur Labelle :slight_smile:

ooh this is cute and cool at the same time! :slight_smile:
how did you make that hard - soft looking armor on his arms? I’m curious

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Hey @Pixo_Daisuke! Thank you so much, really glad you like it. So for the cloth parts, I usually make a polygroup from duplication and then use the panelLoop option. Once it’s donne I make Zremesh with keep polygroup and from this i can sculpt on high subdiv. Mostly use standard brush with simple alphas.
And since Zbrush 2021, I use cloth brushes at very low strenght and low poly for secondary shapes under the detailed fold.
Finish with a surface nois and tilable alpha :wink:

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He’s splendid , love all the little touches and details :+1:

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Thank you @boozy_floozie! :slight_smile: glad you like it mate