hello There !
ZBrushCentral is the perfect place to introduce you to the KS Azzar’hi project.
This is a unique collaboration between Tsume Art, the company I work for, and talented artist Aleksi Briclot in order to create a unique statue of a kind.
My name is Cyril Farudja and I am art Director /Sr 3d character Artist at Tsume Art . I was in charge of sculpting this magnificent creature out of the fertile imagination of Aleksi Briclot
but before getting into the thick of it, here is a video presentation of the project:
and now some little Zbrush Shots :
the 3D print :
You can support us here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/tsume-art/tsume-x-aleksi-briclot-azzarhi-worlds-and-wonders/posts/1231117
do not hesitate to ask questions, I would be delighted to answer them ^:D^
Cyril Farudja