
Ares - God of War - Marvel Comics

Hello friends 0/
this is my last work,
a brief history of this project, hope you guys like it :slight_smile:

  • Marvel Comics’ Ares is not a well-known character outside of comics. Despite this he has already appeared as an easter egg in Thor Ragnarok.
    I had a character kind of like Kratos on my HD, he was purposely similar to Kratos, we called him “Kritus”.
    The project was canceled and he stayed there in the cemetery of unfinished projects. The Concept Art was made by Rodrigo Idalino.
    I decided to modify it a little and try to transform it into a kind of Spartan Gladiator … to take advantage of some things that were already done.
    In the end I changed 95% of the old project. The only thing that somewhat resembles the old project is helmet number 2.
    I’ve always enjoyed the character design of Marvel’s Ares, he’s a mix of Punisher and Spartan soldier and as I don’t remember seeing a collectible of that character, So, I decided to make my own.
    It was a lot of fun to do this guy in my spare time, I hope you like it.



Nice job on this! I enjoy the design and weathering on the armor pieces. :+1:

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Great expression, fits him really well, solid piece Otavio :facepunch:

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