
Animal & Human - Speed Sculpt Series

Head : Speed Sculpt Zbrush - The Old Head - YouTube
Trex : Speed Sculpt Zbrush - The Trex - YouTube
Hand : Speed Sculpt Zbrush - The Hand - YouTube
Ram Sheep : Speed Sculpt Zbrush - The Ram Sheep - YouTube
The Sluggard : Speed Sculpt Zbrush - The Sluggard - YouTube

Speed sculpt series made with Zbrush Software.
Rendered in Autodesk Maya using Arnold Renderer
I challenge I set to myself : See what I could come up with in 2h on a given subject.

Hope you like it.


So pleasant to see your works in motion, SO GOOD! Thanks for sharing @Nicolas_MOREL :slight_smile:


Thank you so much @Jaime !
I must say, it feels really good to set myself a time limit and just go for it. And just accept the model the way it is at the end of it.
I normally spend quite some time refining and tweaking things until I like the final. SO this definitely feels refreshing!


Cool work!!

Fantastic work!