we did it, a version is uploaded to MSUC, just a few more fixes and we gonna release a public version too.
For those of you, who don’t know the project. Airbørn is a mod for Unreal Tournament 3, which a few of my colleagues and me have been working on for quite some time now.
As opposed to most UT3 mods, this is a total conversion, which means that we almost killed everything that is unreal, and created a whole new look that hopefully doesn’t look like unreal at all. Who we are? A group of professional game developers, who wanted to do something cool in our free time, because of that the development takes ages, but it’s worth it.
Airbørn takes place in a fantastic world, eons after the earth has collapsed from over exploitation. Strangely, the world didn’t end, life went on and somehow the people of this world managed to survive and live in a peacefull manner. Well if there wouldn’t be kings that still exploit the ressources of the last islands and take even the last bits of usable sources for their good.
We place the player in that world, as Piño a small boy who wants to be a messenger just like his father was. In time he experiences a lot of adventures. Ok lets stop the text and let the images speak!
Please click for further information and pictures AND just new…
and why is this on zbc? because most of the sculpting stuff for the normalmaps has been done in zbrush, of course, if you are interested i’m gonna post the sculpts and stuff like that