

Inspired from a sculpture in a museum I started working on this guy in my free time. I used my old base mesh for the body and rest modeled in maya,rendered in zbrush using best render for the GI and composted in photoshop.

More Screenshots [here](http://www.flickr.com/photos/canndis/sets/72157623424728206/show/), and check out the [time-laps](http://www.vimeo.com/12271576) [![iconSmall_1.jpg|110x60](upload://eUEwdn8TWyOnR4IIkZzIOvxf33l.jpeg)]![Aghori_Final_Composite_Full_50.jpg|508x976](upload://6oMwwDdRdbwzs2YNnnPPLkHtThI.jpeg) [ ](http://javascript%3Cb%3E%3C/b%3E:zb_insimg%28%27199070%27,%27Aghori_Final_Composite_Full_1.jpg%27,1,0%29)





great to see new stuff from you. it’s been far to long:D
i like his face.
wish i could grow a beard like that. hehe


Nice work! i’ve been wanting to model an Indian man with a lungi ever since i got back from my India trip. i second what rasmusW said, i wish i could grow a beard like that. keep it up!

nice overall form and gesture…good work

Great model man!! Really different from what we usually see here!


Looking Good sir ! Loving the gesutre in the t pose … i always wanted to do an aghori myself… find them to be quite interesting subjects :slight_smile:

Very nice work! :slight_smile:
I hate to pick flaws, because it is lovely, but the fingers on the staff…?
Apart from that, a fine piece :slight_smile: :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Super cool! Love the subject.

Very nice work Anuz
But why did you made it in grayscale?

anyways cool stuff…

Amazin sculpt anuz bhai :smiley:

@rasmusW Thank you,ya its been long that I posted anything in
zbrushcentral. Beard was one of the harder part to
sculpt, I tried different styles before finalizing it.

@dpeteuil ya it will be fun to see a model with lungi

@sahil_raptor thank you

@Scrybe thanks

@grassetti thanks

@dchung ya they are intresting to study,it was
actually scary to know what they actually do.

@RawSunlight Thanks for pointing it , probably I overlooked
some areas.

@Scrybe thanks

@digital_3d hey thanks , no particualr reason , I liked it this way.

@Hardboiledart Thanks

Here are the different versions of beard.I picked up the second from left
and enhanced it in the final model.
