
Afro Gorilla Rapper

Hi Guys, This is a RealTime model made in 3dsmax, zbrush, photoshop and topogun. 7208 Tris in total. He is an afro ape rapper, with an angry face. He was born from a scientific experiment, and lives in the jungle. The rapper genes still dominates him however.

GSM posed.JPG

I’ll post closeup’s soon. Hope you like my artwork


Gorilla Zbrush.jpg

AO and wire.JPG

Hardly the most PC post I’ve seen…Good job on the shoes though.

The most PC? What does that mean?? Thank you for your comment though

He means that it’s not very POLITICALLY CORRECT. Your concept might stir some controversy. One question: Why does he look like he’s made of stone?

i feel like he should be all ape, or all stone. the transition is very awkward. doesnt really make any sense as a character, and yes, a little racially inappropriate.

edited this post.

I love how this work has got 2 stars, especialy since its really well made model , i really like it, great concept and execution;]
But the thing i love the most are some of the racist idiots posting above me, this forum really can dissapoint you sometimes. I have no idea how can someone find this racist, what, they think you dont like apes ? you see what you want to see …
Anyway good work ;]

You’re seeing things if you think this is racist.

Racist, Wow…That’s the first time I am getting that. Well, I’m sorry if it hurt anybody’s feelings. There’s a back story for the character, but I am not supposed to tell it here. I actually did it for a client who has a big story in mind. I’m sure you guys wouldn’t consider it racist if I told you the story, but again, it’s a shame I can’t reveal that here. For now, it’s just a model of a Gorilla with a stone body, who is a rapper by profession. One thing I can say is that his body was turned into stone because of a scientific experiment.

Thanks for the replies guys, and slocik, thanks for supporting me . I really would like to see some comments on my work.

This turned out very well…and I don’t see it racist…Front page stuff :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

Aside from the controversy of art–which makes us critically examine our world–We see a great character–You’ve captured a great expression. I like the assymetry of his face, and in the nasolabial folds. The pants are modeled well too. Is he frozen in time or still turning to stone?

Thank you narntson for your comment. I’m glad you liked it. His Torso below the neck turned into stone, because of a scientific experiment…

Awesome work…5 stars, and there is nothing racist in this according to me. I like the texture work, work on the pants and shoe. The normal map transferred very well.

Vikramvr, I did not mean to say you r racist. I just meant to say that the work might be interpreted as being racist. I apologise for not being more careful with my words. we all want to make great looking models here, and that’s that.
But the media and some people and groups have made weird connections between certain races and primates almost to imply that those races aren’t fully evolved. I like Gorillas. I think they are intelligent and sentient beings, but to imply that they are savage, brutal creatures and draw parallels between them and certain human races, is outrageous and disturbing. That’s all.

That said, I like the trousers a lot, although the stone look could ,IMHO, be made a little more realistic with lesser noise. I mean some areas could be plainer with sharp edges , while others could have more grain. that’s my two cents. good luck.

I’m not a big fan of political correctness, or even of rap music for that matter. Although, I’m not easily offended, and am not personally upset by this character. Still, I am sensitive enough to know that it is possible someone else just might be offended by this. Here’s two links regarding a controversial piece of art as just one example of why it’s not so ridiculous that perhaps some individuals would find such a character offensive -even if all intentions were completely innocent:


wowowow. you are dabting about reacism in such a thread?
i don’t like the concept to much, but i think its a very good work anyway! keep it up

Cool model - shoes very cool - would be cool if they had the shape of ape foot - just an idea ? maybe not ?

Not sure if you listen to Hip hop but Sean Price has a very cool album cover …called Monkey Barz - might give you some ideas

Thank you for the replies guys. I’m still surprised that people think it’s racist…I would like to see some comments on my artwork please.

Food, thanks for the info, wethand, thanks

Very well executed. Especially the trouserz and shoes however i dont like the character at all. The transition from gorilla to stone doesnt fit right and looks ackward. Anyways keep going.

“political correctness is like trying to pick a turd by the clean end”