I used Photoshop and ZBrush…
Plz give me advice for this picture…
I really want it…
KT Aung Ba(Ryan)
Hi everyone,…
I’m new man…
so Plz give me some advice for my work because I need to know about my skill and i want to skill up.
that why i want.
the face looks beautiful, i really like it! maybe you could sharpen the hair a bit, give more detail to it. The same with the cloth, it looks a bit blurred. keep up the good work!
Really nice Post!
The eyes could become a bit more life-like, the rest is really good in my opinion!
Really beautiful girl. Excellent job.
Amazing work here!
You have been busy lately!
Great work, I would possibly add some surface detail (like spots, blemishes etc…) to the skin to make it look more real, and not so perfect.
Keep it up!
5 Stars!
Simple face, but very nice in its simplicity…
I love the style
from what i see its great, possibly give us a render, without softenRGB?
Real nice. You just set the bar that we should all try to get to. bravo. Keep up the good work.
Maybe she must use less hair spray
excelent modeling and comp
i would add some more ditales to the hair.
and i suspects the eyes are painted on a round surface. there are great tutorials for eye modeling and anatomy out there. you can find one for free at gnomonworkshop.
The background is a flat white, I would perk it up by adding a small gradiant or something back there.
This looks really great! Only comment is the skin seams a little too pale to be natural. Other than that it’s a great model!