This is not based of a real action hero but more of the sterio typical character.
I want him to look like a hard ass from the 1980’s. Im trying real hard to make him not look like Clint Eastwood. Maybe a mix with Jason Stratham and Bruce Willis.
I will show a WIP at each stage through to completion. I think my methods are generic but if anyone has any questions feel free to ask.
Dont be shy Critics welcome.
Sculpt 1
Basically stretched to sphere primitives to the shape I wanted, merged them and ‘remesh all’ at the lowest Res that would hold the shape I wanted.
Sculpt 2
Sculpted in the main shapes. added ears as seperate subtools and mereged and remeshed again.
Sculpt 3
Just lowered the brow and worked on the lips a bit.
Sculpt 4
Worked on adding more detail and refining the shapes.
Retopology in zbrush. added inside the mouth. added a t-shirt.
1682 Poly base mesh.
I added poly groups and creases to help select areas and keep hard edges.
Sculpt 5
Sculpting more details. concentrating on the areas around the eyes. Hes in a standard pose but will be posed with a better expression on his face at the end.
Sculpt 6
Refining the sculpt. I used ‘smooth crease’ to help bring out the seam along his shirt. Im liking the progress so far. I still need to pose him and give him some expression. Im thinking of adding some scars and sweat marks on his shirt.
Going for a hard ass Action Hero bust. Any thoughts?