
20 free alphas to try

I’ve just done some alpha brushes for myself & thought I’d share them with you guys they’re all 256 x 256 & work, which is a good thing really, let me know what you reckon.

But I do have a question…is there a way that you can load new alphas into ZB2’s alpha palette & keep them there, even when you restart ZB2 or do you have to keep them elsewhere on your hard drive & just go to that when you want a new one???


If you like 'em then I’ll do some more in the future :cool:

Thx, Buckie and welcome (nice and useful alphas) :+1: I prefer the share principle too :smiley:
(BTW, cool website you do own :+1: )

Glad you like the alphas & the site, cheers mate :smiley:

Keep posting something, man :smiley:

Thank you!

I would love to d/l your brushes but they come in a .rar file and I am unable to open this type. Is there another way you can post these that I can open. Thanking you in advance.

SpriteD can’t you just download a demo of winrar to unpack it???

SpriteD, I made zip-file 4 U :smiley:



Thank you Buckie and welcome.

:+1: Why didn’t I think of that???

But can any one answer the original question for me, please???

What 4 question, darlin´? :smiley: :smiley:

…is there a way that you can load new alphas into ZB2’s alpha palette & keep them there, even when you restart ZB2 or do you have to keep them elsewhere on your hard drive & just go to that when you want a new one???

Look in this Quick links!
There are some Alpha Manager utilities :slight_smile:

Thanks :smiley:

thnx for the gracious gift…I have added them to the arsenal of alphas and they looked pretty kewl. Thnx also to you Abyssis for converting the rar files to zip format…made things a little easier.

:slight_smile: Hi Buckie, these are great alphas Thanks for sharing them :+1:

Ron, you all here are very welcome, I am happy and proud to be member here :+1:

thx very much :cool:

Thanks for the brushes, they are super,I tried the link for the zip file but wouldn’t d/l, so got the winrar and it worked fine, just post more alpha brushes before my 40 days of free “winrar” runs out. Again thanks they are great. :wink: