
ZBRush Beta Test - Grand Bazaar

hi guys, posting the image i did for the zbrush 2021 beta test. being the release focused on dynamics, i took advantage of the features to imagine a strange fantasy bazaar full of fancy dresses…adn why not try take advantage of the sim to create some heavy folds on the tortoise skin? :smiley:
hope you like it!


What a great idea!
I like the space suit!

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Great Betarun Doktor Danko - joyfull sculpt :smiley: :sunglasses: :+1: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:

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I hope this bazaar is tightly fixed, because I can image one step of the tortoise abd the whole jebang rolls into the mud.
Very nice concept and execution btw.

Hi @doktordanko

Nice work! :+1: :star_struck:

Very nice, love the texture on the tortises’ legs.

Nice!!! Beautiful work!