
-=Studies for DigitalClay - The Art of Sculpture=-

Hi guys,
long time without posting but I’ve been extremely busy at the studio and creating digitalClay.
I’ll be posting here all the studies we’ll work through in the series.
The first one is a quick study of the head where we explore the concepts of feeling the structure and finding the gestures over the first two episodes.
It’s all done in Zbrush with a single BPR as we want to focus purely on sculpture.
I hope you’ll enjoy the series.






That’s awesome! Thanks for taking the time to make these and for sharing them with the community :slight_smile: A lot of knowledge!

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Thanks Jaime,
ten years ago Zbrush transformed my love for clay into a career so I’m more than happy now to give back to the community and share the spark of sculpture on pixels.

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An hour and 16 minutes and 10 years of practice :slight_smile:
(just FYI you can also use the new split screen function in our latest release)



Thanks for the suggestion - it was one of the things who pushed me into creating the series actually as we’ll be doing some studies along the journey and we’ll use that massively!

It’s a game changer, great job

Great work Rodolfo! Thanks for sharing and good luck with this video series!

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That is beautiful, congratulations for the initiative, I already subscribed to the channel :wink:

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Thanks Nilberto and Deryck.
I will keep updating the thread - I’m happy its getting to you.

The second episode just happened and about 700 artists subscribed to the series already so thanks a lot for the warm feedback and appreciation.


Thanks for adding part 2 Rodolfo! Enjoying listening to your comments. Quote: “Nothing you do is perfect, what ever you do in sculpture is an attempt at finding truth*” - DigitalClay @Digitalclay.xyz :wink:

Thanks for appreciating part 2 Jaime

I found it takes a while to be at ease with our normal, dreaded human imperfection but once you do - it’s way easier to start the work. Everyday.
And mostly: that imperfection tells your story.

Hey this is an awesome stuff …!!! can you please share all the brushes that have been used for sculpting ?

Hey Vinod thanks for this!
The brushes used are in the video description. Some of them are default brushes while others like the RK ones or claytrim come from Ryan Kingslien and zbrushcentral!

Thanks :innocent:

Guys we reached a tribe of 1000 subscribers in about a week so I’ll definitely release a bonus episode with my material and light setup very soon as it’s been requested a lot. Stay tuned and keep sculpting!

Sounds good …!! Thanks in advance…:grinning:

i’m following those videos… and it is awesome… love this sculpture…

Thanks Luccas I’m really glad!

I share as promised the material and lights used for the series - together with a bonus episode aimed at beginners and sharing how to get started in Zbrush in less than 30 minutes!


Thanks For Sharing…!!!

When opening the digitalclay project, I’m finding the clay human bust is blurry and not as clear and crisp as the YouTube videos. I adjusted the resolution settings in Document but nothing works. Is there a way to achieve this ? Please see the attachments of my copy and your video and the difference in clarity.