
Sculpting Stopped Working

I’m having a strange problem where I cannot sculpt on this one particular mesh. I can use the slice curve brush to slice it, but I cannot use a move brush, or standard brush, or clay buildup — anything that moves or sculpts. Another strange thing: My cursor has changed into only a white cross — it has lost the normal red cursor brush that indicates the current size of the brush. (This is true regardless of brush size.)

This same “no sculpting” behavior occurs on both of the subtools within this mesh.

I made sure nothing is masked. I made sure Spotlight Projection is turned off. I’ve restarted ZBrush, reloaded the mesh, but the problem persists.

If I start a brand new mesh — say, if i draw a polymesh sphere on the canvas — my red brush cursor returns, and I can sculpt on it. The sculpting only becomes disabled when trying to work on this one particular mesh.

Any ideas what might be causing this? Thanks in advance for any help.

HI @King-1871,

Impossible to tell for sure without seeing what you’re seeing. But what you describe can happen if you’ve drawn out the subtool on the canvas while the ZIntensity setting is less than 100%.

To correct this, switch off “Edit” mode (T) for the tool. Press Ctrl-N to clear the canvas of any 2D images left over. Then make certain the ZIntensity setting for the Tool is set to 100%. Re-draw the tool on the canvas and again enter “Edit” mode (T).

Hope that helps!
