
Rendering Zbrush Displacement Maps in Maya

I usually use 4k maps myself, the highest Zbrush offers. The mode button dosent do anything when you generate a map thats for when you want to apply a dispalcement map you have already generated to a model. Try creating the map with DPSubPix instead…
Try both methods with a higher res too. Use 4096 and post if you still have issues.



make sure the map is converted to RGB before you use it in Maya. I think MR crashes if you dont but just in case… : )


when you export from zbrush you get an 8bit .tiff rgb.

So I tried directly out of zbrush and I tried all the steps like converting to 16 bit and what not. I have 4096 resolution as well. also the dpsubpix at a level of 2 instead of adaptive.

This is what I’m still getting. (note that the map changed because I re did it)


also, I did a test with a bump map and it was the same stepping problem.



You get a 16 bit grayscale map from Zbrush not 8bit
if you find you are starting with an 8bit map that may be your problem.
In Photoshop all you need to do is convert to RGB and it should be fine… That is assuming you flipped the map in Zbrush.


is there a way of changing the bit setting on export?

Not sure offhand and I am not at a machine with Zbrush installed. Try checking under the export preferences.


lovisx -

How are you generating this map in Zbrush?

As Scott mentioned a displacement map out of Zbrush is a 16 bit grey scale map. There are not, currently, any ways to change the bit depth of your image.

What you are seeing on your render is called stair-stepping which happens when you go from 8 bit to 16 bit.

The question is, what are you doing to get an 8 bit rgb map out of Zbrush? Are you converting to a texture in ZB? That will convert it to a 8 bit.

Let us know. :slight_smile:


perhaps that is it then. I generate the displacement map, it goes into my alpha menu then I make it a texture and export it as a .tiff. Tonight when I get home I’ll try exporting out of the alpha menu instead of the texture menu.

so when you convert to a texture it always changes your map to 8-bit? I guess that makes sense seeing as 16 bit isn’t very editable in other programs like photoshop.

UKALEY if it works!

That’ll do it. Just export out of your alpha palette. In photoshop CS you can do 16 bit editing so you won’t need to convert it.



yep that did it. Thanks so much for that little tidbit of info, the displacement map now matches what I have in zbrush :eek:

Thanks for the tutorial video. Even though I know & own 3D Studio Max and Lightwave I’m switching over to Maya. There is WAY more learning-material/videos/threads… on Maya than any other program.

Hey i have a question …
Why we must use the approximation editor ? Because i test my displace without it and just playing with the alpha gain i have a good render …

If you are rendering with Maya’s internal renderer you don’t need to use the approximation editor. If you use Mental Ray (set up in the render globals window) you use the Approximation editor to specify how Mental Ray tesselates the geometry at rendertime. It sounds like you are using the Maya renderer.


Hey Scott! I just wanted to thank you again for the tutorial, as it helped me get my reel done without pulling my hair out. Thanks a lot man!

Chad, no problem. I just downloaded your reel and it looks AWESOME! Congrats on the CGtalk toppage!
I think you will have great success in finding work : )


But i use the MR rendering and i have no approximation editor ; and The Displace works …

if you don’t attach an approximation to a polymesh and you don’t have feature displacement checked, MR with use default setting of Parametric 2divs – this will be a displacement approximation not a subdiv approximation – subdiv approximation is better- especially if the model has uv seams - if you don’t use subdiv approx the edges will get blown apart… why? beause MR doesn’t look at a polygon mesh as a surface and will not keep UV seams stitched. hope that helps:D

Iv finaly done it I installed mental ray on my computer and made a simple sculpt of a male head to test render the Z brush Displacement map and it worked finaly. This is gonna completly change my work flow im pretty excited.

i put in your expression into the alphaGain box and then i can’t move the settings? is it supposed to be like that? or should you be able to move the alphaGain settings after you put the expression in?

thanks in advance


Sorry for the delay in replying I have been traveling a lot lately. The expression goes in the alpha offset box not alpha gain. That should fix your issue : )
