
Lamborgini Aventador

The last Car rendering from a member of the Pixologic gaves me a boost to make my own car rendering in Zbrush.
My car was created in Maya but im looking forward to get a nice rendering like that one i saw some week ago.
Now after the car is finished im happy to play with Zbrush the next days :wink:





great modeling on the car !!!:+1:

During the last couples of weeks i had worked for some Projects so i did not have enough spare time.
First of all i like rendernings from cars made by Mental Ray or other renderers. In Order to make a nice or even close looking rendering i have to know how those renderes work. So dont be to pissed of its not now a Zbrush rendering or to say the next one im going to do will be.

Im realy happy to have those Lightcap stuff implemented in Zbrush those are good keypoints in order to archive realy nice results !

Great man!!! Which parts are actually Zbrush bro???

Thank you. Dont be too fast with your compliment. The next picture you are going to see will be Zbrush. Im sure most part or shaders can be redone nice thats why im starting this Threat.
Its hard for me to upload this pictures for comparison since its unfair in some cases.My only goal is to show how powerfull the new Zbrush rendering is but i think everybody know allready
even if im going to fail ;O). Mayabe we can make a little challenge who makes the best Lambo ( everyone in the Frorum who has enough spare time ) rendering in Zbrush and the winner presents his way of doing it ( Maybe im going to hand out the mesh data for this ).

I didnt want to start competition just an idea.

We will see :wink:

cool zbrush render

So to be clear, that is a 100% Zbrush render?


@pablo and EricShawn

No its not a Zbrush rendering ! Read my text please ;).

I use mental ray for the upper picture to get into the way how to realise a car rendering.

The Zbrush rendering will be next.