
Wire Head

Just kidding…did you use tdrs’s material for the "glass like " body, if so i have to uplode it !

tdrs’s material? did i miss that? :slight_smile:
its just an adjusted standard material… i think i didnt even save it :confused:

Well its good looking glass…thought it could have been his “basic jade”
slighly altered :confused:


I got the mat back since it was saved with the doc :slight_smile:
Its just a slightly changed jellybean material used with the bronze-lightsetup.

greetsJellyBean_a.zip (8.53 KB)

heres is another one


big version

hope you like it :slight_smile:


Hey Froyd this is just so nice. Really nice. I love the result. :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Yeah Froyd - that is just plain cool. That has also given me an idea… more testing coming up. :wink:

Cool Froyd:+1: A different way to show how the edgeloops are layed out. Of course it is a bit more confusing than a wireframe but looks much neater;) Looks great.

Thanks for the idea Meats.

For a single chain of zspheres you might want to check out this thread by Pixolator. The simple method of wrapping a texture around the adaptive mesh is ideal for this techinque. Tutorial: Morph-Target and UV mapping. Note : The method of unwrapping the zsphere chain with ALT+click+draging a zsphere link does not apply to Zbrush 2. Instead reposition your zspheres manually or draw them along 1 axis first and store a morph target. There are probably some other things that have changed as well.

Thanks, Vlad74, Jason Belec and TVeyes! Glad you like it :slight_smile:
I think there are still some possibilities in Meats´method, especially with TVeyes´tip (thx).


froyd -that pic with the cubes ia really cool!
now i must try also!

That’s a great picture froyed :+1:
Now i want to do a “Meats -wire” myself, …or a “froyed -wire” :smiley:


hey guys, if you haven’t played with Svengali’s Map-it script yet…you haven’t even begun to play with Meats’ wire style…It can create some really really cool textures for this…take ya about 15 seconds to fall in love with it and wish ya had a real computer hahaha.

very cool Froyd.

That was most enlightening! Thank you so much! Incredible effect and vision!

Because of you my art has taken a new fuller direction.Thankyou so much for your tutorials and inspirations.

My warmest regards


pure style
excelent work