
Vigo the Carpathian

I’m in the endgame now…preping the model for 3d printing, tweaked the hair, added surface details but haven’t applyed them yet as geometry till i finish tweaking the model, filling gaps, undercuts and also did a test how im going to cut the model and add keys. Going to do one last pass on the face and the hair before i commit to print and go through the process of decimating, boolean and maybe dynameshing some objects.

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Made a realtime hair tutorial https://www.artstation.com/artwork/8lZxDQ
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Tweaked the face and hair and tried to match them closer to the painting and i increased the pore detail on the face.
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Made a making of blog of the process i went through when i made this character

Something made Vigo smile

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Decapitated Vigo for print and also added a key but just before he told a final prophecy: “Death is but a door, time is but a window. I WILL BE BACK!”. I wonder if he meant as a print. More info on my page
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Finished prepping the leather chest armor and the torso for print also hollowed out the pieces. More info on my page bellow.
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Well it was pretty difficult to prep the arms and hands plus hollowing for the arms but i’m glad that’s finished, next up the legs.
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Finished the legs, only a few parts to go and im done.
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Made a video

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Thanks Mihai!

Nice share (and tips) :wink:


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Glad u enjoyed the video Jaime and hope you found something useful from it, I have to add extra holes on some of the parts to avoid the suction effect breaking the part while printing. Going to do more research on this before i commit to print but in the meantime finished the wall.
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Almost finished with the base, i knew this was going to be the most difficult piece to prepare for print, since i’m also going to mold and cast it i did a test separating some skulls for a better result, not sure if i should just print the base as a single piece. I still have to hollow out the base and cut it into 4 parts.
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Added the head in the slicer program, after i made the video i added interior supports just to be sure.

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First test print, still in the process of calibrating, didn’t realize manually calibrating an SLA printer is going to be such a huge pain but almost got the vat perfectly level.

After a long time of calibrating the printer i finally printed Vigos head at 50 microns, more info on my page.

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Vigos chest armor printed at 60 microns, 20h print.
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Did an update clay render on the final version of the character, these are the latest pieces used for 3d printing and they also have been tweaked and matched closer to the painting, also changed the surface detail on the objects from the first renders and a different light setup.

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Just finished printing Vigo’s torso, took almost 24 h to print at 60 microns. More info on my page https://facebook.com/Icemanmodeler

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