
Tree test using Fiber Mesh

Amazing! Thanx for sharing

thanks for showing the way arran 
 very inspiring :+1: :+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:
my first quick attempt :



Awesome work and render
 i think the highest branches could do with some attention and i discovered you can move them one at a time with the Move Topological tool helps tidy up loose hairs too!

I really love the things you can do with fibermesh to generate some nice looking trees/foliage. But naturally these things are very high poly and I was wondering if there would be a way to use this new tool to save time in making trees/foliage for games? I’ve been trying to think of all kinds of ways but the only thing I can come up with is to use fibermesh to make your branches/leaves to make your diffuse/normal maps to go on the planes of your trees/foliage. Reason I ask this is making trees/foliage for games has always given me issues to get believable looking assets under polygon budgets.


for the tree,Arran !!

It looks really Great!!! thank you for sharing man.:smiley:

WOW these are mind-blowing!! Thanks for sharing your techniques!

Your all welcome for the sharing and I am glad it got top row mainly for the work that the software put into it as I don’t think I did much. Congrats Pixologic on such an amazing ‘free’ update!

@fael: I am liking the dry autumnal look of that tree, and especially like the main tree trunk texture you have going on. I was thinking about a nice red and brown leaved tree for a playground at some point also.

@Dicejss: The only way really to use this tool would be to produce basic quads, so single poly leaves and then use a png texture (leaf with transparency to give shape) on them in order to get your shape, and then as you mention using normal maps perhaps. I have tried low poly trees and well one thing is for sure, it depends on how close your going to get to them, if they are in the distance you can get away with so much more by using png leaf patterns on random shapes that float around the tree :slight_smile: etc

Arran thanks for uploading your tree files to help us learn how things work in making them.
BTW have you tried making the leaves transparent and/or translucent?


Sorry for the crack about the roots; clearly, I should have read further. D’oh!

Anyway, great work overall!

Amazing stuff, this is very exciting, once again I’m very glad I dont own shares in Mudbox, and I pray no big corp ever owns shares in Pixologic!
@Aurick, Couldnt agreee more mate, what an amazing time, maybe were seeing a renaissance!?

Fibermesh alone opens a door to a whole new world of options!! This is the future, not a renaissance. It’s a whole now era! :smiley:
Damn exciting, to say the least.


Amazing work on the tree.:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:
One, two , TREE awesome mate really love.:slight_smile:
Pixologic ZBrush is and will always be a pioneer in the CG Industry.
Thanks for giving us such a amazing tool to work with, changed my life definently.

Bless you good sir for your inspiration and stunning results. Much deserved top row

So is the uv map for the fibers the entire uv map, square? I haven’t tinkered with adding a texture yet. It sounds like you just use a png or psd with a transparent background.

Should the stem of the fiber be at the top or the botom of the texture map?

Hmmm for some reasons the micromesh-roses in the tree won’t render.
yes, the ‘draw micromesh’ option is on, and the rose is selected too :\

@Spaceman: Thanks, I did have apply with transparency within ZBrush but the shadows are cast as if no transparency and so it does work ideal, although I realise this is fine for taing into other software and so PNG’s would work a treat.

@kevphil: lol, np. :slight_smile: cheers

@slashpot - highlander: I imagine for most of us we will slowly incorporate the Fibermesh into our work and then suddenly look back in a a year or so and wonder how we used to manage without it.

@KC-Production: Your welcome, and yeah I am so glad I got into ZBrush all those years ago, definitely one of my better choices in life.

@boozy floozie: Your welcome for sure :slight_smile:

@Gareee: Yes the Uv map fits to the square and so you have to consider how that is distorted to your FiberMesh shape, but with some playing you can get an element of control, although of course with a simple leaf like the one with this tree its no problem. Oh and the stem would be at the bottom.

@Testsuoo: It could possibly be rendering, but maybe green. Make sure you select Red or whatever colour from the colour pallet. Start by choosing ‘Solo’ and selecting only the ‘FiberMesh-Flower’ subtool to show and then BPR render. Are you presented with flower shapes or squares?

green4red.jpg As you can see, when i load up the Tree project, this is the Color’s state. Weird ^^ Funny
So you were right, it was rendering but in green, that’s why i couldn’t see them. Problem resolved :smiley:

Amazing work! Thanks for share!:smiley:

Love it! I’m behind a tutorial that explains details of how to get
this fantastic result!: D: Tu:
Thanks for sharing!