
Star Messi and -----Dinosaurs! (WIP)

Some great work. The Kobe render was superb. The only thing I would critique is that the skin on both models appears a little plastic and dry, which is quite evident on the ears.

Also this new characters looks quite similar to your Kobe model. It seems the same model was re-used and the low resoltuion was just tweaked to change the shape. Perhaps he needs a little more low frequency changes. And maybe a little more depth to the skin scatter.

Super model and great tips. Also your previous celebrity models are awesome, great likeness.

impressive work! I dont know all of them, but tommy lee jones, robert patrick and guy from the movie about underground mutants are recognizable!:+1:

Awesome! thanks for sharing!:smiley:

Thanks for sharing those tips, very usefull ! Bookmarked. :slight_smile:

Really Awesome…:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:small_orange_diamond:+1:

Really thanks for all your comments! I am glad that you found that they’re useful!
In fact, I only started to make some tips for a convinced head, as to the catching likeness, I will write something only based on my understanding later.
The next two images also contain little useful information. Hope they’re helpful.




sir…tnx for this! Please…can u post the gray material u use in zbrush!?

Nice sculpt. Texture is also very nice. Just the hair texture looks like plastic.
And thanks for info about structure oh head.
It helps a lot…

Happy zbrushing…

Thanks for all your comments!
To INFINITE: Many thanks for your helpful advice! Your render works are really amazing!
Here is another angle from Messi.



Great sculpt sir!!! I really like it

fantastic work man. and good notes. cheers

you are better than a 3d scanner :+1: but messi’s skin should be more pale, i agree he’s a lot similar to your kobe.

Nice renders and thanks for the details

Hi, fellows!
I have spent sometime to refine this model few days ago. I did some remedy which focus on the texures and lighting. And this is also the first time I tried to use real hair by using Shave to make the image more completed. It did cost lots of time to learn and test for getting a nice result, most time I can only stared at the monitor and felt helpless arounding me. Sometimes I even felt frustrated and decided to quit, especially I was using my friend’s computer.:frowning: After all, I thought I still did not bad on this long and tedious procedure, maybe.
Still, expecting all of your comments, which are very precious for me!







Beautiful man. The Top 3 came out REALLY well. Are those photographs of real hair on planes with an alpha im assuming?

Very Nice work. Definitely instantly recognizable :slight_smile:

A M A Z I N G!
Post tutorials, post a how did you do it, post something! Please?!

nice job… :+1:

Wow! Great job on the hair - you’ve really brought a superbly realistic character model to life :sunglasses: still a little rough in places around the edges, but definitely worth all your hard work! :+1:

Big thank to all your comments!
To hoskins78: Thanks for your valuable advice! To the hair around the edge, I just realize that I can use Ramp shader to achieve the change of color and transparency…but since it definitely will cost lots of time for rendering test, I figure it would be better for starting my next personal work;).
To INFINITE: Again, thanks for your kind advice about sss shader.