
Spiderman Unlimited Art

Hi all,

I’m finally getting around to posting some art I made for Spiderman Unlimited, for Gameloft NYC.
I hope you like what I’ve got. More to come soon.












Great stuff love the toon shade look


Super work!
Can you elaborate on the shading/render materials and process on the Spiderman images?

Thank you, I’m glad you like the works :slight_smile:

The shader we use for the characters in our game was written by our Tech Artist Michael Aviles and it is a sort of ramp shader that uses a small texture to determine how the model is shaded. Each channel of the texture controls a different shading of the model. The red channel for example would have a darker ramp and green a lighter ramp so the parts of the character that need to have harsher shading would be controlled by the red channel and part that are lighter would be controlled by the green channel. Ramp textures can also have a sharper or softer falloff and some other effects. All of this reacts with the characters normals and lighting.

It’s a bit convoluted to explain and I’m not sure how much I’m allowed to go into but that is the basic idea behind it. Several ramps in one texture controlling the brightness, falloff, fresnel and spec effects on the model.

I hope this helps or at least gives an idea of how it works. Let me know what you might want me to exapand more on.

Thank you

Very nice and stylish! Congrats :wink:

Great work. I really like the stylization and it works great in game.

Could you tell us how much time it took you to make a character like Black Cat ? Thanks :slight_smile:

Thank you guys :slight_smile:

Ouran: From start to finish with zbrush model, game topo, textures and skinning I spent about 5 days on Black Cat. On most characters in the game I spent anywhere between 3-6 days depending on the complexity of the model.

Thanks a lot Anton. You sure as hell don’t waste time !

Hah thanks :slight_smile: I try not to

Wha?? This is your stuff?!
I was just playing this game on my iPhone earlier today!
I was quite terrible at it tho’ LOL

You did? That’s awesome :smiley: practice makes perfect, keep playing! :+1:

Yeah, I gotta admit I only downloaded it because of the fresh look of the graphics.
I must say that it’s pretty mind blowing to discover the game’s designer only hours after playing it.
Take it from me, your work truly makes a difference!

Thats awesome of you to say that :slight_smile: I’m really happy to know all the work payed off.