
REN (character design)

When I have free time I’m working out details…


…some kind view of detail

This is a really cool design!

The only thing that feels off to me is its balance. Perhaps arrange the legs so the feet touch the ground in at the center point along the body? Even if the hips stay in the same place the touchdown point could drastically improve the balance. Of course, maybe this things swims and I’m way off :stuck_out_tongue:

Edit: Disregard me, did not notice the previous page of the thread ha!

Thank you, it has 4 legs, not two feet… the front legs are simply mechanical, them I will do later… :slight_smile:

bahahaha. Sorry bout that, that explains the amputee stumps up front :X I kept trying to work it out, but just kept seeing him fall over.

for those who have not seen the view with the paws :slight_smile: but they are not finished yet … :slight_smile:

New timelapse, texturing in MARI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3At-0owO2k

Test render, not finished yet…

Really nice texturing on this. Looking forward to seeing more.


…thanks )

For those who have not watched timelapse , another test render…