
Questions and Troubleshooting for ZBrush 4R3

Forgive if this question has been asked before ***8212; the thread is quite long, and a basic forum search hasn’t yielded any helpful results.


When using noise with an alpha & UV, none of the rotation sliders produce any effect.
They work within Noiseplug, but I have my own alpha I want to use…

I saw in the first post that they were having some problems with noise plug and some tablets. I use a small bamboo, but this is basic functionality that just doesn’t work? Is there something I’m missing?

Mac OS Lion. 4R3.

Hello there,

I see you have the Red Wax Matcap activated. I don’t believe the Matcap materials react to lights (except for maybe the shadow direction when rendered). Everything else is pretty much baked into the matcap itself. Using the standard materials (basicmaterial, fast shader, skinshade 4, etc) instead of matcaps should give you a material that will actually interact with lights.

Hi, I’m having problems with refraction. Transparency in object Display Properties and in Render Properties and BPR settings are as below. The shot shows that transparency is rendering correctly but no distortion from refraction is occuring. What’s going on?


hi all :slight_smile: i am a new brush user and i write because a problem i have with zbrush 4 r3: i am unable to use the masking function with alpha and drag rectangle associated. i also can’t use the customizing ui options in the preferences menu… does anyone know what can i do to solve these probelms?

thank you in advance


Here’s a link to a discussion of ZBrush Vector Displacement in modo on the Luxology forum: