

rly cool!:+1:

thank you for your comment …im new here …so this is my first post… hope it give inspiration to some zbrush users :slight_smile:

great bike!!! and first post too;)

do you have other angle renders you can share?

yah !! of cours …

OK sold!! what store did you say the bike is sold at?:wink:

Very nice design!!!:+1:


here is 2 pix of my first game character …enjoy !!
ZBrush Document j2.jpgZBrush Document j3.jpg

The bike have a very interesting and nice design ! well done !

And the the shark freaks me out, i hate underwater creature ! He’s so cool !

merci ^ca fait plaisir de slsavoir…moi aussi jaie te traveau at j vais essayer de fair des truck de piere plus tard …;D

another work edited with pS …

robo make fire2.jpg juste another z work ,hoe u like it …


Can you please show us some zbrush renders?

box r3.jpgback r.jpg
here is some Wip’s Hope u like iT :slight_smile:


Good sense of design, looking forward seeing more of your art!

rly cool robot, nice design :slight_smile:

@Renderluz thank you …and ill post some work soon stay tuned :slight_smile:
@gwainbarek hay thank’s …yo k’now i was inspired by your work 'befor i did the robot …thank’s :smiley:

another personal work made, painted and retop in zbrush …
unwraped with max
i try some hd sculpt on the face hop it’s not so ugly XD

hope u like it

old man 2.jpg

hi everyne .i’m back with some new zbrush sculpt i did for competition with some freinds…
so hope you enjoy my work and welcom to all your suggestions…
and this is a video for the first attempt on my sculpting :wink:

MR fire 2 render passes .jpg
M fire.jpg

hi every one
it’s being long time i didn"t pot anything here
so this is a few work i did for my personal portfolio

teacher .jpegteacher 2.jpeg

ONE EYE diffu.jpg

SPIN rider a0 mini.jpg