
Low poly model in Zbrush / First time

I see, when you export from Zbrush. how exactly does this work, I export PSD just to post on forums but i never used it to take it into photoshop and paint on it. Do you export front,side views and then paint and project on your model?

I think your alien need space gun and space boot because color of his foots are same as his clothes and i think it’s not good!
For txture: right clothes is very nice,but your clothes is very new!you should add some color to show a clothes old and it use for war,no party! :smiley:

Sorry for my bad english!

Zoldax:Well your right I need to add dust on it ! But I wont put some boots Cause of the concept, but maybe Ill put a helmet in his hand…maybe :wink:

rubent100: Ok , well when , like you said, export those perspective view(front ,right,left,top…) its cool cause you can texture really quickly (like i did ). The plugin to do that is Zapplink .A free plugin on the pixologic compagny website. After doing your texture work in ZB , you can export it in PSD file . You have to go in the texture tool window and click export . It will export your psd file with all the color details on it but It will be Unwrapped on your UV (that you all ready did ). Once it done you will be able to open it in zbrush and do what you want with it.

I dunno I answer to your question but if not …question me again lol

Some guys where I work said that I need to work again on my modeling so , I will do some update to it and ajust my texture after :cry: Its a little worst but I dont have choice if I want something quite good.:wink:


rubent100: Ok , well when , like you said, export those perspective view(front ,right,left,top…) its cool cause you can texture really quickly (like i did ). The plugin to do that is Zapplink .A free plugin on the pixologic compagny website. After doing your texture work in ZB , you can export it in PSD file . You have to go in the texture tool window and click export . It will export your psd file with all the color details on it but It will be Unwrapped on your UV (that you all ready did ). Once it done you will be able to open it in zbrush and do what you want with it.

Rubent100: oups ’ you will be able to open it in photoshop and do what you want’ not zbrush :smiley:

Thanks for replying =). Yeah that was my question, then you just apply the texture to your UV’s and scale to fit im assuming. How does a diffuse texture look like, is there any example you can show? Thank you in advance.

Hello rubent100 Here my uv with NormalMap and texture color. But its not the final texture , Im working on Uvs again cause I have some weird deformation in normalmap.

So I will post a day in this week a progress…I hope!

For now heres my screenshots :slight_smile: :

thank you very much for showing, i see alittle deformation your correct, mostly on the arm. but looks good =)

Your Welcome rubent . …

Im working on those deformations , after I will pose Him and then jump into a next project.

Update will be soon

Ok heres some update!

Sorry for my long time no posting things, I was kind of busy:confused:

My alien character is rigged now.

Next I will probably start a new character , but this time It will be a human one and maybe nude.

So 7000 polys , 1 Diffuse map , 1 spec map and 1 normal map. All 2k textures.






I like the overall model, but the feet just don’t work IMO. The concept of them seems unbalanced. They need to be a lot bigger to make people believe they will support his weight.

Thx for the reply ! I appreciate it so much!

You are right about the feets but I dont really know how to fix it, maybe by made them longer and biggeR? I’ll try !

I put my turntable video on youtube , rendered in maya. Sorry for the poor quality but I dont know where to put it .:cool:

<object width=“425” height=“373”><param name=“movie” value="<A href=“http://www.youtube.com/v/12YrlpKSgYg&rel=0&border=1&hl=en"></param><param">http://www.youtube.com/v/12YrlpKSgYg&rel=0&border=1&hl=en”></param><param name=“wmode” value=“transparent”></param><embed src=“http://www.youtube.com/v/12YrlpKSgYg&rel=0&border=1&hl=en” type=“application/x-shockwave-flash” wmode=“transparent” width=“425” height=“373”></embed></object>

<object width="425" height="373"><param name="movie" value="[http://www.youtube.com/v/12YrlpKSgYg&rel=0&border=1&hl=en"></param><param](http://www.youtube.com/v/12YrlpKSgYg&rel=0&border=1&hl=en%22%3E%3C/param%3E%3Cparam) name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="[http://www.youtube.com/v/12YrlpKSgYg&rel=0&border=1&hl=en](http://www.youtube.com/v/12YrlpKSgYg&rel=0&border=1&hl=en)" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="373"></embed></object>

Dammit! Sorry for the spam but I was trying to put my video embed things here but dont works so here the link !



Thank you!

Wider, and spread the toes out. Maybe make the toes thicker.

Very nice! I like this character, but like the above poster said, i would spread the toes out alitle more, and maybe make them alittle thicker. Other than that, good job! Hope to see next project soon =)