Awesome job! can’t wait to see it textured!
Pro work, really nice
FFX was the first RPG i got into. I gained a lot of weight from that game when I was younger -_-
Good job. He looks pretty good. only part that looks weird to me is his mouth. it’s like he has lips behind his lips.
Not just a talented programmer but a talented artist!
I think the fur of a snow leopard would be most appropriate for this character.
[attach=235299]snowleopard.jpg[/attach]or a tiger… [attach=235300]5-Matsu-a-two-year-old-female-standard-royal-Bengal-tiger.jpg[/attach]
Hey nice new work! Knees / Lower Leg Armor can use some work though, everything else looks great
Hey guys thanks for response glad u like!
Yes, definitely I’ve noticed now, I think I rushed too quickly to post this character on the forum, on second thought he’s not really that complete, I gotta refine (in fact redo some for some parts) the lower body and armor and then repost this when it’s more complete, but I guess I started getting tired that’s why.
Anyhow gotta finish all angles, fix mouth, fix pose slightly, fix mouth , so I guess this can be considered a first draft / WIP.
Thanks again
Hi there
Just an update, revised the model a bit, was largely flawed as far as lower body etc, and I’m almost there
Someone gave this a 1 star, can I please get crits instead to improve it?
Hope you like,
This is awesome, you’re a worker man! A hard worker
Looks great! Good detail work.
Wow, awesome job my friend, looks fantastic!
Also available on freelance
Im not in a position to critc your work as your far more advanced than i am, just one thing i keep lookin at and not too sure if its me bein picky or not, his chest seems slightly not right, other than that, thats gotta go top, good stuff man
Is easy to implement a php function where we can see the names of the voters.
If we have access to the names maybe we can ask personally why are they giving such a bad rate to a hard and well done work. Maybe the admin can give us all a hand with that?
Keep it up man!
Great piece! . My only suggestion would be to pose the feet and the toes a bit so that they really carry his weight. Look forward to seeing this one textured
I played FFX for over 100 hours, and I guess this is what he would look like in a nextgen game. Really good. Four days, I guess you spent most of day infront of ZBrush then.
Atleast this shows what hard work can make within a short period of time
Thank you all for your support and advice guys, yeah I think this character should be a good one to texture… I will try to make fixes based on your suggestions
Aye FFX was one of my favorite final fantasies =).
As far as the 4 days work, actually it’s 5 days, and with a mouse also which sucks for me, yeah that’s the way I work usually. I focus in a short amount of time on a project then I don’t work on anything for a month or 2 and so on, but when I do get into a projet I insist to see it through usually. Probably not a good thing cos then I don’t take my time to perfect things hence I always make messy sculpts
Question for you guys and question to ADMINS:
My art sketchbook thread has been moved to ZScript utilities! But thi is a mistake, because it’s my ARTWORK sketchbook with only one post relating to ZScript. How do I contact admins to return my sketchbook to Main thread??
@ADMINS: if you’re reading this please return my sketchbok to main thread, I plan to use it for more ART in the future, only that one post was related to ZScrit, the rest is all art by and large!!
I wouldn’t worry about that. your post certainly doesn’t deserve a one star ‘terrible’ rating. that’s completely absurd and either an accident or somebody was just being an ass on purpose.
hey thanks Julian K, yeah I won’t let it bother me, I guess it happens all the time, or was an accident.
Love your thread by the way, and shader
Great looking model. I’m particularly interested in how you did the rope/ belt parts.
I’ve been working on a model that does something similar and I’ve been a bit stumped on this part.