
Joel Mongeon - Bust Gallery

These really are superb! They feel like real sculptures of real people. Very natural. Excellent!

These look great. Love the renders and character!

exceptional work, the bust are great, i love the variations in the mood and expressions, wonderful Anitomicals.

Hi Joel! These sculpts are Top Row imho! Exquisite, classic artistic craftsmanship! Endless respect! :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: !

Thanks again everyone, I’m glad people enjoy what I do.

Just wanted to share a few more images. At one point someone asked me to record one of my sculpts. I always forgot to record a movie, so I decided to make an animated Gif of one of my sculpts. I’m also uploading an image showing the levels of detail from 1-7. Hopefully some of you find this useful or interesting.







Head Bust are looking great, you have captured the features very well. My favourite is the Smiling old man.

Beautiful, 5 star work!
Thanks for the animated GIF too.
Such a natural feel to them.


hi plunq, fantastic sculpts and presentation!
thank you for uploading the animated gif, its great :slight_smile:

They look so very real! That´s awesome.
The first picture looks like a photo made in a museum.
Many compliments on your modeling style!
Beautiful heads!
:+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

Beautiful work plunq.

I am glad I stumbled on this thread, hats off to you, very clean and style and presentation…too bad monsters and creatures tend to dominate TR…this should be amongst them!