
Insert Multi Mesh Repository

Recently made a knot_IMM.
It consists of 4 basic knots.
If one needs a knot at the end of a rope.
Convert a individual knot to a 3 polygroup ztl
and use curves mode.
knot-example.jpgCGmystic_knots_IMM.zip (97.3 KB)



Thanks Dantert, cgmystic and others… Nice additions to this great thread…:slight_smile:

Thanks for the brushes :+1:

many thanks to all

Many thanks to cgmystic as well. :slight_smile:


I made a Mitsuami(braid) brush too.
This brush is more good when used with zremesher.:wink:

sm_IM Mitsuami.zip (9.86 KB)
sm_IM Mitsuami.jpgsm_IM Mitsuami.zip (9.86 KB)


Good job!


Wow… awesome work. I love a braid sort of brush. Will be good for making hair styles! :smiley:

Nice brush Smilk… Thanks man…:slight_smile:

Can’t wait to try out the brushes! Thanks!

Hi everyone

Here is the last IMM brush pack i created for the Zbrush lessons i´m giving in Madrid, Spain.
Nothing special, just some practices but maybe could be helpfull for someone.
Much more to come. Hope you like it!


Download Here

Thanks man…

Just 2 alien heads couple of warps, ill keep adding heads in there.
Works nice with the monster brush.

Dropbox Folder IMM: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/1xve2egunqw2d7l/hHv-jpBhvj

ps: It’s a big file so it will take a bit to upload.AlienHeadsV1.gif

Hi guys. Happy 2014!
I wanna start this year sharing with you some IMM brush i´ve created for personal projects. In this case it is composed by 9 diferent Cuffs for Shirts. As easy as paint your curve or frame it and tweak for better results.


Download here

i made a compilation of most of the zbrushinsert loaded here but i dont have success with the Badking website(i suggest to him to put in dropbox)
here is the link

hope this help…
Have a Good Day for all zbrusher:D

Thanks for the other additional brushes in the library, like vehicles, wheels, computers, …etc ! :+1:

Thank you for collecting them all into one package. :slight_smile:


@andreseloy That’s a real time-saver! thanks

glad to help my Friends!

and also thanks for Marcus_Civis tip “C:\Program Files (x86)\Pixologic\ZBrush 4R6\ZBrushes\IMM”
zbrush insert in LightBox.jpg


zbrush insert in LightBox.jpg