
fun with zbrush

hi xada , hi spiritdreamer, thanks a lot ! i do really enjoy the new features of z4r2, i can much better concentrate on what i want achieve, the carmen sculpt really feeled like working it in clay, and not digitally,and it seems to show positive effect :slight_smile: … and the hands stay clean …lol

Dynamesh is amazing! Better than expected.
Your work is amazing too.

this was a very unusual project for me… it started when one reader of my blog, liam, saw a sculpt i made and liked it. so he kindly asked if i would maybe create a creature he is envioning… well, he told me how he imagined this creature, he called it spy…yd, and i could not resist to try to make his vision come true… (unfortunuately, zbrush kept crashing in the final phase of the project, when i wanted to save the tool. don’t know what was wrong, the tool is still not that high poly. i have successfully saved much higher polycount models…) … anyway, lamenting aside, here is “the spy…yd” in this favourite tree


i am still trying to wrap my head around the new render and lightning system in zbrush. so many amazing results here at zbc to see, and mine are still poor… so, i decided to take the time to learn it, and used the ogre from the first post of this thread to rerender him now in z4r2… all done in zbrush (better than the first, but still way to go, ,i think)


zbc is so inspiring !!! so, this is what came out after visiting zbc this morning, not what i usually do, but sure it was a lot of fun :slight_smile:


Looks great kokoro! It reminds me of Ernest Haeckel . Google him. You’ll dig his stuff :slight_smile:

hi kongni, i just had replied on your thread :slight_smile: … yes, thanks for the mental link, yes, i like, i know, i feel like pushing this further, and see where it brings me.

…sculptures! :cool:

thanks frenchy pilou :slight_smile: glad you like my recent work with zbrush :slight_smile:

here is a new one i made, picking up the theme from the last one, but pushing it more into “sculptural”…


Hey Kokoro,

Lots of great pieces in here! I absolutely love the dragon, the paint on that is wonderful. This latest piece is interesting. Did you use dynamesh? There’s still so many interesting new tools in R2 I haven’t tried out yet. It looks like you are having some fun here, looking forward to seeing what comes next! Keep up the great work :+1:

hi kdshay, wow thanks for the compliments on my dragon. makes me really happy, since painting the textures is my weakest spot… and, yes the last model uses dynamesh alot. and the mesh-insert brushes, and the curvetube brush. its really alot of fun to explore zbrush this way :slight_smile: just try it, its addictive playing with all the new features and try what they can do

and another one, same technique as previous, but started from a plane…


Kongni? :smiley:

no :wink: … but this thread of him was my inspiration.

my explorations into the abstract world seem to go more real ,this reminds me of jewellery, and i find it very pretty :slight_smile:



It’s nice to see abstract pieces, very cool results and certainly sculptural.
I had a phase way back with ZB3R5, but with more of a 2D graphic style:


Look forward to seeing more, and I might even try getting back into these just for the sheer freedom of the process :slight_smile:

hi rawsunlight, thanks for sharing the link. those are beautiful abstracts, very inspiring for me to let loose even more… yes, doing these is pure enjoyment of the process… and that is certainly true for the result of this nights explorations… hope you enjoy


hehe, someone gonna stop me, i am having too much fun with these

this is inspired by a series of youtube videos (from different authors) i watched with topic “hard surface modeling”… mine is made from a dynamesh sphere, and mixes hard surface with organic shapes. i really enjoyed the creation process of this one, so i like to share several views of it :slight_smile:


These are really interesting. It looks like a crazy futuristic motorcycle…without wheels…a crazy futuristic hover…cycle…thing. :slight_smile: I like it! :+1: