Mixing shaders with interesting results.
Revisiting the ruins to experiment with several things. Fibermesh, of course as well as noise maker (fantastically fun), textures and displacement map from texture (not as much fun as noise maker, but still really useful).
If anyone has any tips on making the stonework look more realistic I sure would appreciate it. They still look a little plastic to me.
use the trim-dynamic brush to establish facets prior to applying any strata alpha displacement. that and basically turn down your displacement distance since your mask/alpha is making things lumpy.
Thank you for the tip Magbhitu.
This is a wip that my wife has been asking me for the last three weeks or so.
Steampunk horse in concept stage.
OK, been a while since I have been at your post buddy. You have been EXTREMLY BUSY! The robot looking dudes are ‘smooth’ for what they are. The ruins are looking neat (nice use of the new fiber mesh-)
The texture on the SP Horse is cool, but maybe less of the ‘worn’ effect would help this piece. Maybe some rust would be cool too. Can’t wait to see some smoking pipes or something coming from it. Reminds me of the style of the SkyLander stuff. And the crowds yelled, more please-
Dragon! Glad to see you again! I was in the middle of messing with the material settings when you posted And think I’ve pretty much settled on what’s posted below. Then I decided to mess with fibermesh again and spent an hour or so figuring out which settings and groom brushes to use to get the hair how I wanted it. I like the way it is now so I’ll probably keep that when I finalize the piece.
Now that’s awsome. The texture is not ‘over done’. Its got that nice eye appeal. I really, really, really like this texture. And now I can see the horse better too, man, what a COOL concept. I am digging this sculpt alot. Ah, I noticed the tail in the back. Man, your really putting that fiber mesh to use. Cool beans for you my friend. I will be checking on your progress through out the week. Keep going, keep going-
Thanks again Dragon! The mat was made by Edward Fleissing in his great tutorial here . There’s a download link on the second page of the thread. I copied the shader to the reflection map material, changed the reflection texture to a plain brick picture and then modified the settings till I got what I wanted. Keep in mind that the worn paint effect only works in best render mode for some reason, but I found out if you do a best render followed by a bpr, you get the best of both modes.
Here’s my nearly completed model. I have to do some tweaking in areas and add a few small details. Suggestions are welcome as always.
Test render. Made the chest area a little deeper, details on face/head area, added reins and fibermesh grass.
Fine work on this mecha horse…relly cool concept and very unique…keep up good stuff…
This horse would be cool as a bronze sculpture. I know your wanting to play with the new fibermesh, but you should give him a ‘metal’ base as well… don’t know, gravel or something? Coming along real neat-
Blueferret; Thanks, man! I really admire your work as well.
Dragon; You’re doing that mind reading thing again! The plane underlying the fibermesh already has a decent dirt road texture applied to it, so I’m going to go back and do the fibermesh treatment again only a lot sparser. I’m in the middle of creating an environment for this piece right now bit I haven’t got anything worth posting as of yet. I’m pushing the poly count with 15 million polys on the horse alone, so I may have to create the environment seperately and photoshop them together for the end product. Not sure yet. My tank has over 40 million polys after I sharpened it up so my rig can handle quite a bit more, but zbrush has a tendency to bog down and crash a lot when I push it that far, so I’ll just have to see how many polys I need for what I want to do.
This is my fisrt attempt to create something directly on zbrush, i still don´t know how to illuminate or get the render in a better quality but im still trying. As soon as i can reach a better look i will submit it!! but for now this is my model =D
All I’ve had time for today is adding a water trough. Hopefully I’ll accomplish more this evening.
Very cool steampunk horse! :lol: Cheers, David
As the title states…